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Non-Verbal Communication

Essay Instructions:


Students will write a research-based essay on a specific topic (students can choose either an aspect of non-verbal communication or listening). Students are encouraged to research diligently and bring additional resources to the essay in addition to what has been covered by the textbook. Identify THREE key research highlights on a specific aspect of nonverbal comm or listening.

Grading Rubric: To the extent that you follow the organizational format and provide accurate information from quantitative and qualitative-based research studies. Approximately 3-5 pages; Calibri font, size 12.

Student Name


Midterm Exam


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Bibliography- students are to research academic-based databases to identify journal articles related to the topic (nonverbal comm or listening). If you choose non-verbal communication, be sure to isolate a specific non-verbal aspect, such as kinesics, haptics, chronemics, clothing/artifacts, etc).

Writing tips: Do not use contractions; spell out numbers smaller than 100, do not use "it," "very," or "thing" in college-level writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Non-Verbal Communication
Author’s Name
University Affiliation
Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication refers to the conveyance of emotions, feelings and emotions using actions and expressions as opposed to the use of words. In the daily human life, non-verbal and verbal communications complement each other. In some cases, expressions and the body language provides an effective mechanism of expressing emotions. The facial expressions are the commonest ways or methods of non-verbal communication (Aghayeva, 2005). In this regard, non-verbal communication is central to communicating, or sending and receiving visual cues. Other people refer to non-verbal communication as body language, commonly known as kinesics. However, non-verbal communication entails the use of touch, haptic, and distance, proxemics. Overall, non-verbal communication comprises the important but unspoken signals, exhibited by people, mainly through body language, hand gestures and facial expression (Hans, & Hans, 2015). For the essay, the focus is on kinesics, which is a common aspect of non-verbal communication.
The term kinesics is derived from the word kinesis, which means movement. As such, kinesics is the study of hand, arm, body and face movements. There are common aspects or elements under kinesics, which include gestures and under gestures, there are adaptors, emblems, and illustrators.
1 Gestures
The main form of gestures includes adaptors, emblems and illustrators. Adaptors refer to the touching behaviors and movements, which often reflect internal conditions such as arousal or anxiety. It is possible to direct adaptors toward the individual, objects or other people. In most cases, adaptors emerge due to uneasiness, anxiety or a feeling of being inferior or not in control of the setting. Some known self-touching habits include scratching, twirling the hair and fidgeting using the fingers or hands. In this technological era, phones, mainly the smartphones have become common object adaptors (Schmidt-Fajilik, 2006).
Most people often fiddle with their phones as a way of easing anxiety. On the other hand, emblems refer to gestures, which have an accepted or agreed upon meaning. Although the emblems have an agreed-on meaning, they are not included or they do not qualify as formal sign systems such as the American Sign Language. Typical examples of the known emblems include a hitchhiker’s raised thumb, the OK sign with the thumb. Another emblem is the raising of the middle finger.
Illustrators, on another hand, are the commonest form of gesture. Illustrators help in illustrating the verbal message they accompany. A typical example is the use of hand gestures to notify or indicate the size of an object. Unlike the emblems, illustrators lack meaning when they are used alone; hence, they are used in a subconscious manner, when compared to the emblems. In addition, illustrators are often described as involuntary and natural b...
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