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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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New or Valuable Reminder of Organizational Behavior Learning

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Instructions: You have been engaged in seven weeks of learning about organizational behaviors. And most, if not all, have discovered the value of intentional assessment of organizational behaviors in your own organization. Now, you will have a chance to reflect. The reflection is an analysis of what you have learned and how you can integrate the learning of the organizational behavior concepts now and in the future. Think of the “ah-ha” moments in your readings and our discussions.

The reflection assignment should be 500-600 words reflecting on what you have learned in this course, determine the implications (the so what or why did this material matter) for you as a present or future manager. 

The reflective assignment should be organized with the following headings:

New or Valuable Reminder of Organizational Behavior Learning

Application of Organizational Behavior to Your Work Experiences

Implications for You as a Present or Future Manager

Please provide organization and grammatical structure to the assignment. If you use any in-text citations, please provide a reference. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 8 reflective assignments
Course title:
New or Valuable Reminder of Organizational Behavior Learning
Organizational behavior of an organization considers the arrangement of different structures in the organization which are necessary for the production function. The employees should be well informed about the structures that are used in the organization for a smooth flow of operation and proper decision process in the organization (Staufenbiel & Konig, 2010). The structure of the organization influences how people behave in the organization and provide the culture which is to be adopted for the progress in performance. As a manager I would consider the employees so as to come up with the needed behavior in the organization as a positive behavior provides positive results for the organization. According to Moynihan and Pandey (2010) the behavior of the employees is influenced by the management, thus management and leadership skills in an organization create a friendly environment in the work place. By reminding or implementing new structures in the organization the behavior is affected and thus as a manager I could consider involving all stakeholders affected by a particular decision for the improvement of production by a proper organizational behavior.
Application of Organizational Behavior to your Work Experiences
Organizational behavior needs to be applied to the work experience of a manager for a better understanding of the organization. Through the suitable knowledge about the behavior in the organization I would be able to plan, organize, direct, control and lead the operation of the organization to improve the working condition and performance of the organization. King and Lawley (2012), state that works experience is required to be able to deal with disputes that arise in an organizati...
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