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Mission, Vision, and Values

Essay Instructions:

GOAL: Create an 800-1000 word paper that presents a compare and contrast of three companies’ mission/vision/values statements, utilizing the tools of strategic planning.

Instructions: Write a 800-1000 word paper (body content length) based on researched artifacts from three companies in the same sector of private or non-profit industry (e.g., restaurants, services, products, hospitals, etc.) and their individual presentation of mission, vision, and values. After presenting each company’s brief history, mission, vision, and values, compare and contrast the various features and differences between the selected same-sector companies. Using relevant research via peer-reviewed journals from the online library, conclude your paper with a scholarly assessment about the strengths and weaknesses of the mission, vision, and values of the companies researched. Make sure to emphasize the compare/contrast element of this assignment as you look at the companies alongside each other—that is where the analytical assessment comes into play; that is the place to demonstrate your ability to think and write critically.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission, Vision, and Values
Vision and Mission are two separate concepts mirroring varied existential time frames. Vision is an optimistic projection of the organization in an undefined future, in an established and thriving position. Vision is not a fantasy or a dream, but is rather an ideal estimation of what the company is likely to become over a period of time. The dynamics of a vision should be well outlined in the contemporary business scale of the organization. The vision of an organization is mostly laid down at the foundational stage and is used to gauge where the company is in terms of development. On its part, the mission of an organization is an assumed responsibility that is created from the organization’s social objectives. The mission mirrors the manner in which the vision can be metamorphosed into a tangible existence of the company. The mission statement is critical as offers the needed guidance for creating a strategy, establishing critical success factors, as well as searching for major opportunities and keeping the stakeholders happy. On its part, the values are the guiding principles and ideals that unite all the stakeholders in the organization together. The values are developed to form an ethical foundation for the organization, and many people consider these as the ethical standards that guide the decision-making process (Kemp, 2012). There is nowhere where these three concepts are well defined as in the airline industry. The paper examines the three concepts for Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, and KLM Royal Dutch Airline.
Airline History
Organization Mission StatementVision StatementValues Statement British Airways: The British Airways was founded in 1974 and has undergone various mergers over the years making it Europe’s leading airline.To be the undisputed leader in the world of airlines for the next millennium
To grow a profitable airline, where people love to fly and where people love to work.Safe and Secure
Honest and Responsible
Innovative and Team spirited
Global and Caring
A good neighborVirgin Atlantic: The Virgin Atlantic was founded in 1984 and has grown over the years to become the second largest carriers with operations in all world cities. We don’t want to be the biggest, just the best!
To be the leading airline on sustainabilityTo be the leading airline on sustainability, driving
Innovative solutions for the whole industry
The Royal Dutch Airline was founded in 1919 to offer service to Netherlands and its colonies. The company still operates using its original name.Be at the forefront of the European airline industryBecome the most customer centric, innovative and efficient European network carrier.Set the standard for an integrated approach in the airline sector.
Differences and Similarities
From the above chart, all the three airlines have a mission statement that spells their desire to be the world’s leading airlines. On their part, British Airways spells its desire to be the world’s biggest airline while Virgin Atlantic states that their desire is not to be the biggest but rather the best in the industry. This assertion by Virgin Atlantic does not mean that the company is not concerned about growth, but it rather points to the need to provide better services to their customers. Virgin Atlantic fulfills this mission by serving only the most profitable routes. This is also the same thing that is emphasized by KLM Dutch Airlines which seeks to be the leading European airline. By specifying that they want to be “the leading European Airl...
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