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Mind Of Courage And Perseverance, Priority College Students Pursue

Essay Instructions:

1. When selecting the topic, select b. Identify the priority that college students should pursue in order to achieve a successful future. Defend your opinion with specific reasoning.
2. According to the outline, write a persuasive essay. Now, professor only uploaded the part 1, so might add some more requirements and revisions later.
3. Topic Sentence #2 must begin with a CA(counterarguments) and be followed by a R (logical refutations).
4. The final work is looks like the work that I uploaded for referencing.(Does Language Unify or Divide Us?)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Courage and Perseverance
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
November 17, 2017
For the longest amount of time, people have always regarded success with scholastic excellence. Our society measures how good we are and uses arbitrary measures to predict our own future such as our grades and SAT scores. However, while these might be useful, I believe that college students should have the necessary amount of perseverance and courage to pursue what they want in life. More particularly, I believe that the priority that college students should develop is the skill to be emotionally resilient while learning through experience. These days, most of us wants an easy answer to their questions or a map that would detail how would their live their lives until the moment when they lie on their “prepaid graves” CITATION Zin09 \l 1033 (Zinsser, 2009).
One of the most important skills that a college should develop during his years in the academe is the value of perseverance. As stated earlier, most of the students today are looking for “shortcuts” where they could reach their dream without the need to exert the necessary effort to have it. Even I have been a part of this mindset as I became deluged with thoughts asking myself if all these efforts would really get me there. This happened during my sophomore year when I realized that plenty of successful men in the world did not achieve success because they exerted a great deal of effort in their school works, so why would I? This then caused me to focus less on my studies and became more engaged with playing computer games, thinking that one day, I would just be as successful as them while I make the most of my time. However, I realized that even if these people (e.g. Jack Ma, Mark Zuckerberg) did not fare well at school, they still persevered in exerting the necessary effort in order to achieve their dreams CITATION Cli171 \l 13321 (Clifford, 2017). At the same time, most of these people have had a great deal of luck that brought them where they are. These thoughts made me think that in order to reach my dream; I should persevere in studying because academic excellence also teaches people the value of perseverance.
Aside from perseverance, I also believe that another skill that college students should develop is courage. These days, many people persevere a lot just because they think that by doing so, they would be able to reach their goals one day. However, in reality, the people who succeed are those people who have the courage to do what they want to do in life, even if it needs them to step out of their “comfort zones”. In my case, I had this experience during my first year in college when I was given the opportunity to invest in my friend’s business, but I didn’t. His business became successful just after a year of hardwork, and I regret the decision that I made. I realized that the reason as to why I didn’t go for it, was because I’m too afraid to take risks. For most of my life, I believed that there is a surefire way of getting through your dreams and that is too work hard for it. However, the problem with this is that it negates most of the opportunities that com...
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