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Mental Healthcare Access by Youth Operational Plan

Essay Instructions:

Build an Operations Plan for a specific operational problem which is taking place in a health care sector/department and work to solve it.
My topic is Access to Mental Health for the Youths
The operational plan should answer the following questions:
Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
How do we get there?
How do we measure progress?
Assignment Resources
Throughout the course we have built tools that will be able to be used for the final paper, the items are stated as such:
Project charter (Week 2 assignment)
Decide a problem-solving method (week 3 assignment)
Use 1-2 statistical tools
Build a plan with resolution
Lay out the follow-up plan with a scorecard (week 2 assignment)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mental Healthcare Access by Youth Operational PlanNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Mental Healthcare Access by Youth
Mental disorders is one of the greatest challenges that are affecting the young people in different parts of the world. Mental disorders have short term and long term effects on the lives of the youth and yet if they are identified early, and the necessary interventions are made, then they can lead to the recovery of the affected. However, there is the rise of social stigma among the young people, and mental health care is always difficult to access in the various facilities. The lack of the young people to access the healthcare facilities has led most of them to end up in the juvenile criminal justice system. Studies that were carried out on the incarcerated youths showed that up to 70% of them were suffering from various mental disorders CITATION Hea15 \l 1033 (Health Service Executive, 2015). Research also shows that 60%-90% of the adolescent youths fail to seek treatment for their disorders CITATION WHO \l 1033 (WHO). We need to come up with the necessary social, legal and medical interventions that should be implemented to make sure that the young people who are suffering from the mental disorders do not end up in the justice system due to the lack of access to mental healthcare and other related services.
Barriers to Mental Healthcare Access by the Youth
An identification of the barriers associated with lack of access by the youth to mental health care will make us come up with long-lasting solutions to the problem. Some factors have made it difficult for the youth to gain access to mental health care services. However, the main problem is the social stigma that makes the adolescents not to seek mental treatment. The other factors include;
1 Failure of the parents, school officials and the medical providers to identify mental disorders at an early age and begin the treatment process. Some of them ignore the problem and assume that it will heal soon, but later it develops into a bigger problem. Such missed opportunities make most of the youth to end up in criminal justice system.
2 Poor coordination of services among the schools, the primary health care providers, and the other social services system. There is poor communication between the parties involved. Once a young person visits the healthcare facility, there is no follow up that is done by the parents of the victim and the facility does not follow up on the condition of the victim.
3 Lack of health insurance or the restrictions that are put by the insurers on the coverages for particular services only. According to research, 10% of the adolescents lacked insurance, and when they are covered, the amount of the mental health services that they can be able to receive is limited. The identification of a mental health disorder was also found to be challenging.
4 Shortage of skilled personnel who can provide proper healthcare services in the field of mental health care.
Purpose of Operational Plan
As identified in the above statistics, the problem is still bigger, and it is necessary that we come up with the interventions required to solve it. Otherwise, the young people will end up losing their lives or wasting their life in prison due to lack of access to mental health care services. We have formulated this operational plan for the following reasons.
* Develop numerous policies that are comprehensive, and they will help in addressing the issue of mental health among the young people.
* To make maximum use of the existing resources in the society to make sure that we have the improved the healthcare of the youth in the world.
* Protect the youth from threats that predispose them to mental health problems.
* To ensure that the service users, family members, relatives, and carers are the ones who are involved in the care of the youth who are affected by mental health disorders.
* To make sure that we have a strong team of highly trained and engaged staff who will provide mental health services to the patients.
* To lower the number of the youth who do not seek mental health care services at the facilities.
* Assist with the re-integration of the people with mental disorders into the society and community so that they can be able to improve their quality of life.
Strategies to Solve the Problem
1 Healthcare System Integration
Healthcare system Integration will ensure that all the health departments in a healthcare facility are coordinated while they are delivering service to the patient. The strategy will ensure that there is an increases access to high-quality prevention, treatment, recovery, and wellness of the services that are provided by the healthcare facilities. The facility should provide any necessary support towards the well-being of the patient.
The initiative will ensure that the reduction of the disparities between the availability of the services for mental illness that includes serious mental illness cases and substance use disorders compared with the availability of services for the other mental conditions. It will also include the people from the minority populations who are experiencing significant health disparities in their lives.
2 Prevention of Substance Abuse Among the Youth
Substance abuse can lead to addiction which later leads to mental problems among the youth. Substance abuse is common among the young people in the society. We will form up various programs where the youth can engage themselves so that they can be able to identify and improve their talents.
Idleness causes substance abuse among the young people. We will engage the youth in other activities such that they will be able to contribute to the economic development of the country instead of being idle.
3 Recovery Support
The initiative will be undertaken to promote partnering with the people in the recovery from mental and substance use disorders and their family members to guide them. The family members will guide the people after they have recovered to make sure that they do not involve themselves in substance abuse that may take them back to the previous lifestyle. It will also reduce the barriers that are faced by the youth when they need access to employment, education and the other life goals CITATION WHO \l 1033 (WHO).
Through the initiative, we will promote individual, program and system-level approaches that will foster health and resilience in the community. There will be housing services for the victims so that we can be able to increase recovery.
4 Creating Awareness in the Community
Most of the families are not aware of the ways through which they can be able to identify the children who are suffering from mental disorders. Through the program, we will be able to educate the people in the society on the strategies that they can use to identify people who are suffering from mental disorders. They will be given guidance on how the children can be able to access healthcare services. Early identification of the people with disabilities will lead to improved healthcare delivery among the youth. It will also lower the number of juvenile crimes that are committed due to mental impairment.
We will use gatherings to create awareness. We will organize sporting activities so that we can bring the people together and they will be able to share their experiences of working with the children who are suffering from mental illness.
5 Development of Workforce
The initiative will support active strategies to increase the supply of trained and culturally aware perfectionists, healthcare practitioners, paraprofessionals and even the peers to address the problem of mental health care among the youth.
The workforce will also ensure that more healthcare providers are trained to provide healthcare services to the people. An increase in the number of the mental health care providers will lead to improved behavioral health, knowledge and skills of the health care workers not considers as behavioral health specialists.
As a way of making sure that we have met the behavioral health needs within America’s transforming health promotion and proper healthcare delivery systems, the initiative will ...
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