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Article Summaries on Joyburst, Tim Hortons, and Mobile Klinik

Essay Instructions:

The marketing world has been evolving dramatically over the last few decades and, with the rapid development of new technologies, and the world-changing coronavirus, it will continue to evolve. The key to keeping up with the development of new marketing theories, technologies, approaches, etc. is to constantly read industry-related publications. This is similar to following the news: you always want to know what is currently happening in the marketing industry so that your marketing strategies remain current and so that you can keep an eye on what your competitors are doing.

Purpose of this Assignment
To get you to begin reading industry publications in order to keep current on marketing news, trends, etc.



1. Select 3 articles from either of the following publications: https://strategyonline.ca/, or https://www.strategy-business.com/.The articles should be no older than 6 months old.

2. Read each article and

a. Summarize the article briefly (/1 mark)

b. Explain how this article relates to the textbook chapters . Please ensure that you specify the theory/subject the article discusses. (For example, if the article talks about the next great smartphone, then you should say “This article refers to the theories of competition, positioning, product design…”) (/2 marks)

c. Respond to the article with your own opinion/viewpoint.

This means: tell me your thoughts on what you’ve just read; do you agree or disagree with the subject matter?; do you think there will be negative or positive consequences; etc. Make sure your response is something of substance – not just “I agree” or “I disagree” (/2 marks)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Articles Analysis
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Joyburst Company
According to the article, Joyburst organization plans to add colors to various caffeinated beverage products. The organization not only targets different clients in the crowded energy drink sector. The Joyburst Organization has been producing excellent beverages. For example, they are sugar-free and keto-friendly products. (Lombardo, 2022) On the other hand, most keto-free products are widely available in Walmart Canada. The organization in question aims to add colors to drinks to stand out.
The article refers to the theory of competition. For example, there are many business organizations in the soft drink sector. They all develop various strategies and business models to compete with other organizations. Besides, the article mentions that Joyburst wants to add colors to drinks to make them stand out in the market. On the other hand, the new colorful beverage products of Joyburst will be unisex, meaning they suit both males and females. Furthermore, the latest developments will be sugar-free and safe for all ages.
I agree with the subject matter explained in the article. I understand that organizations should always employ business strategies to increase their popularity to have many clients. It is also for organizations to improve their products by increasing the tastes and values of their products. The organization will attract new clients because they offer what is not provided by other organizations. The proposal by Joyburst Company will lead to positive consequences in that the organization will offer unique products in the marketing, leading to retention of clients. The new products will also appeal to new clients because they are always attracted to the quality package of products. On the other hand, the organization will spend more capital funding the program.
Tim Hortons
The article presents information about Tim Horton’s latest idea to engage in brand recognition by coming up with five ice cream products to complement the current ones in the market. These new ice cream products include Double Chocolate Donut, Salted Caramel Iced Capp, Fruity Explosion muffin, Birthday Cake Timbits, and Apple Fritter (Lombardo, 2022). According to the article, Tim Hortons offers emotional brands which lather well with the emotions of most ice crime clients. On the other hand, the new products to be launched have been researched according to the tastes and preferences of potential clients.
The article refers to the theory of product design. Tim Horton has existed in the QSR for many years. It aims to improve its products by redesigning them to appeal to potential clients. The article presents Tim Horton Organization’s aim to employ ...
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