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Creative Writing
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Interview with Poseidon – God of the Oceans

Essay Instructions:

General guidelines:

-Create a bibliography for any sources that you do use. You can use any style (Chicago, APA etc.), but be consistent.

-Use primary sources whenever possible. This is not a research essay, so you can use internet for sources, but make sure to include all sources in your bibliography.

-Do not use any direct quotations. Use your own words to re-tell the myths. Try to adhere to the general storyline of the myths as much as possible.

-Choose a style of writing that suites your subject (humor, slang, academic etc.)

-You can be creative when “designing” your assignment. Use pictures if you like and format the page as you see fit.


Assignments (Option 1 and 3) should include an introduction (introducing the background information of the character/myth). For Option 2, the introduction can be a part of the question (Aphrodite option) or a brief introduction to who the character was (Hades option)

Organization of the Main Body:

The main body of the narrative is well organized. Story elements are not repeated (unless it is to further the narrative). Topics flow smoothly from one to the next


The narrative should be resolved at the end of your paper. Option 1 must include a verdict. Option 2 should end with a summary of the advice given (Aphrodite) or a concluding remark about the character’s life (Hades). Option 3 should give a conclusion to the interview.

Elements of Myth:

Stories should stick to one version of the myth being told, and be sourced appropriately. The story elements used are clear and developed. Source the version of the myth being used.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interview with Poseidon Student’s name Creative Writing Institutional Affiliation Interview with Poseidon – God of the Oceans In Greek mythology, Poseidon was among the most powerful gods and had controlled over the sea and more. Anything that involved water, Poseidon was to blame. This means whenever there were floods, rivers, earthquakes, floods, tsunami, etc. Poseidon was to blame. Aside from that, some myths even said the first horse used by humans came from him. Poseidon has a long beard, middle-aged, and he had a trident in his hand most of the time. Today, Poseidon has been summoned from the dead to be interviewed. The flow of the interview is given to give readers an idea of how it went. The crowd cheers and applauses as Poseidon enters the room. There is a big wave behind him as he enters and settles in his chair. Interviewer: You are looking very strong today. What did you have for breakfast before coming to the studio? Poseidon: Well, you know, I had toast, bacon, egg, beans, bagel, and of course hot chocolate. I cannot have salmon on my bagel coz’ I do not eat sea creatures. Interviewer: All right, let us get to it. Have you ever ridden a submarine? Would you like to do that in case you have not? Poseidon: Good question! I rule the seas. A submarine has no difference to me if I want to go under the sea. I will live forever and never die, so, my time underwater is indefinite. There are times when there is too much arguing and gossip on Olympus, I just wander in the underwater caves and enjoy the fishes. I love to see them swim around me, under my feet, and, they are just so cute and tiny. Interviewer: Speaking of staying under the sea, where do you live? Do you stay there most of the time? Poseidon: I have my sea palace which is my main residence and a throne on Mount Olympus. I use it whenever I have to visit my family. I also enjoy long walks on the water because I never sink. So, I just hover, and it gives me a nice top view of what is happening in there. It is nice to be up there sometimes because I can feel the breeze on my face and the sunlight on my skin. It is rejuvenating! Interviewer: That is awesome! I can only imagine being underwater all day. It can get kinda boring. Now, do you enjoy competitions? Poseidon: If I am the win...
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