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Should the government fund certain aspects of the arts?

Essay Instructions:

Many arguments are based on cause and effect analysis. So is much social policy. Mastering this form of writing will allow you to write effective, persuasive papers and to advocate effectively for causes you support. You should be careful not to oversimplify cause or effect relationships.

Write a cause or effect essay on one of the following topics. Remember, as always, to expand or narrow your focus for the appropriate length assigned. Your essay should have a thesis, arguing the causes that led to a certain event/decision or the effects an event/decision will have in the future. Document your sources. This paper should be between 900 and 1000 words (about 4 typed pages double-spaced).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should the government fund certain aspects of the arts
Institutional Affiliation
Arts, funded by the government are under immense pressure than ever before to enumerate the benefits they bring to a country. With state governments facing numerous challenges such as budget shortfalls, increased unemployment, loss of homes and increased need for public assistance, financing arts have been argued as insignificant considering the present pressing needs. Such arguments have led to the cutting of the arts budget. The arts are an important policy asset for a country and the society at large, and the government should fund certain aspects of it due to the numerous benefits they bring about.
Investing in arts brings about economic benefits. Arts achieve this by creating job opportunities for numerous people in the country. Art galleries, nonprofit organizations, schools, and studios among other arts institutions employ artists, managers, art sales agents, technicians, teachers, designers, and support staff. According to the National Governors Association, on estimate, there are about seven hundred thousand creative businesses in the United States, which employ over 5.7 million workers. Thus, the employees earn a meaningful source of income, can purchase homes, provide for their families and educate their children hence, boosting the economy. Arts grow local businesses. Art entities require various goods and services for their artwork such as food, transportation, advertising, publishing, design, and accommodation among others. In most cases, they procure the goods and services from local businesses spending about one hundred billion dollars each year. Thus, they attract the introduction of companies that offer such services while helping the existing ones thrive, thereby boosting the economy. The economy also benefits from arts through tourism. Both local and international travelers tour different states in the country to explore cultural heritage. As a result, they spend money on entry tickets, accommodation, transport and buying of products that give the government tourism tax.
Government investment in arts promotes education. Students that learn about arts perform better in other subjects and tests. Arts education strengthens students’ social skills through expression art, motivates them to want to learn and creates a positive attitude towards school. Arts provide students with essential skills. Today’s economy requires employees who have the knowledge in the field they are working, creativity, critical thinking, and practical skills in communication. The study of arts furnishes students with all these skills through the creation, analysis, and interpretation o...
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