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Fun Assignment: Five Wishes and The Passion of Life

Essay Instructions:

The checklist for success for the Fun Assignment:

Please make sure that you complete the assignment and submit it to the Fun Assignment Drop Box here in Canvas. The assignment is a big percentage of your grade (i.e., 18%), so please make sure that you complete the assignment! :)

Finish the assignment before or by the time it’s due! It helps if you start and finish it much earlier than the deadline. Only assignments that are submitted to the assignment box and on time are accepted. :)

There are two parts (i.e., Part I & Part II) to the assignment. Please make sure that you complete both parts! : )

Please do what exactly the assignment asks you to do. Follow all of the instructions so that you maximize your grade! I grade a given assignment on how professionally it is done, the quality of the work you’ve done, and on the basis of how complete it is (i.e., following all instructions)! And, if you've followed all the instructions and produced a high-quality assignment, not only do you maximize your grade but you also get a bonus! :)

Please feel free to work on the same Word file (see the attached file above) that contains the instructions for your assignment! You can use the same format, font, font size, etc. for your assignment. You can simply replace the sample given to you with your own wishes, reasons, goals and part II of the assignment! :)

It’s important that you make sure that your writing is professional. So, edit your writing once you’re done! This is an opportunity for you to practice and improve your writing and grammar skills!

The assignment is fun! So, feel free to go ahead and get started! Have fun with the assignment!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fun Assignment
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor's Name
Fun Assignment
Part One: Five Wishes
Wish 1: I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Reason: Friends are typically the finest advisors since they can care about me and provide a third-party viewpoint on an issue that helps me see the bigger picture of things. Developing a consistent social system is essential for happiness, even if it encourages me to use DIY placards during a race or stay by my bedside when I am unwell. Friends can make me giggle. It's just an old cliché, although it is true: humor is the best remedy (Peisah et al., 2014). Laughter has been shown to help people cope with discomfort, boost their immune systems, and even spark creativity. My best friends and I could have hundreds of internal jokes between us, and we make each other crack up; it aches to breathe (Haynes, 2015). That is why I require their presence.
Friendships can improve my life in a variety of ways. Great mates can educate me about myself and push me to be a better person. They motivate one to keep going when things become rough and congratulate them on their accomplishments (Peisah et al., 2014). On the other hand, friendships provide much more than a shoulder to weep on; they do have a favorable impact on one's health. According to several studies, companies are just as crucial to one's health as dieting and exercising.
Goal: My life has been a success because I have been having good moments with my friends, as they also get the best out of me.
Wish 2: I wish I could express my feelings without hesitation.
Reason: Feelings are built into our DNA. Substances in the brain produce feelings, which can be experienced through the body (Peisah et al., 2014). Experiences and opinions activate them. Thoughts have aided the species' survival by motivating individuals to seek benefits and enjoyment while minimizing risk and risky conditions. Feelings can both protect and guide us. They assist us in seeking out great experiences while also keeping us safe (Haynes, 2015). Feelings also assist us in connecting, comprehending, and relating to people. However, our feelings may be out of context to the event, or we may be unsure how to react to our emotions (Peisah et al., 2014). Speaking about my feelings might help me maintain excellent mental health and cope with stressful situations.
Goal: My life has been a success since I have been able to have the courage to speak out my feelings. It has helped me maintain better mental health while handling distressing conditions.
Wish 3: I wish I would have the confidence to live an authentic life rather than what people expected.
Reason: Being overly sympathetic may lead to someone abandoning and concealing the true self. Without recognizing it, one may begin to be somebody other people want him to be rather than who he truly is (Peisah et al., 2014). It can ultimately lead to disappointment, and the person may not realize why. There is nothing inappropriate with trying to blend in. However, if one goes too far and tries to satisfy others and gain acceptance all the time, the person will lose sight of their true self (Haynes, 2015). Each person follows their path. Individuals must examine their hearts and souls if their way is not suitable. It might be able to assist me in gaining clarity about myself. It helps me attract (Peisah et al., 2014). It gives me a wonderful feeling.
I can create a powerful relationship with myself and feel secure in understanding what is genuinely authentic for me by practicing to give heed to my inner sensations and sentiments and fostering heightened understanding in my life. However, what is genuine desperately wants to be communicated (Peisah et al., 2014). As a result, it is up to me to be brave in sharing my reality entirely and genuinely in the world.
Goal: My life has been a success since I have been able to be authentic and myself. It has helped me attract the right individuals into my life, appreciate differences, and clarify myself.
Wish 4: I wish I had not been procrastinating my actions.
Reason: With so many distractions available at all times lately, it is all too simple to define procrastination. I would not waste any more time coming up with excuses for what I had to do. If one is procrastinating on any tasks just now, the person should keep reading to see why the individual should stop (Haynes, 2015). Even though it may appear to be a se...
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