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Food and Culture: Historical Context

Essay Instructions:


Food is universal and can be used as a tool to express our culture or to learn about

other cultures. Many of us might say our cultural background or ethnicity highly

influences our food choices. For this assignment you will be exploring the typical diet of

your ancestors in comparison to your own diet today.

Note: If your history has a mixed ethnic/cultural background, choose one to discuss for

this assignment; preferably the one that you feel most connected to.

Assignment checklist:

1. Essay format with a brief introduction and conclusion

2. Typed with 12-point font, double spaced in APA format, saved as a Word or pdf


3. Include your name, student number, course code and section, assignment title

professor’s name, date

4. Citations, including in-text citations and reference list in APA format

Assignment Instructions

Compare and contrast the typical diet of your ancestors in the early 1800’s to that of

your own diet today.

In an essay format, respond to the questions outlined in the three sections below. In

addition to your responses to the questions, your essay should include an introductory

and concluding paragraph.

You can organize the content of your essay as you choose. This means the questions

do not need to be responded to in the order they appear. The content and ideas should

flow in a logical order while ensuring each of the questions are addressed.

I - Historical Context

NOTE: in-text citations and references are required for this section – even if your source

is a family member. In this case, the type of reference is considered “Personal

Communication” in APA. Please see the Seneca Libraries APA Citation Guide for

information about this type of reference and other in-text citations and references.

Using reliable academic or expert sources, respond to the following:

1. In the early 1800’s what country would your ancestors have lived in?

2. What would their typical (day to day) diet include at that time?

3. What would a typical family or cultural celebration be at that time? In your own

words, describe the details of the celebration, including a description of the meal

(or food) associated with the celebration and any symbolic meaning the meal


II - Compared to Today

Consider your own life in today’s context and respond the following:

1. What country were you born in and what country do you currently live in?

2. What does your typical (day to day) diet include?

3. Compare your typical diet with that of your ancestors – what are the similarities

and differences?

4. In your opinion, what do you think accounts for these similarities and differences

in your typical diets? This discussion should include at least three points with


5. Do you still have the same family or cultural event celebration that was

celebrated in the past (yes/no)? Based on your answer to the question, respond

to one of the following:

i. If yes, discuss the similarities and differences with this celebration and

what you think accounts for these similarities and/or differences

ii. If no, discuss why you think the celebration has not continued through the


III – Additional Insights

1. In your opinion, what do the differences and similarities you discussed say about

the overall relationship between food and culture/ethnicity? For example: Is it

static or dynamic (does it stay the same or change over time)? Do you think our

history influences our present-day food choices? Do you think there would there

be more similarities than differences if you compared today to 50 years ago,

rather than 200 years ago? Provide at least three different insights with


Total word count: 600 to 1200 words

Do not include the questions in your paper. This is an academic paper and is to be

written in paragraph, essay-style format with a brief introduction and conclusion.


• This discussion is expected to be written in your own words with your own

opinion and ideas on the topic

• Portions of this assignment are self-reflective and based on your own lived

experience and as such, it is expected that you will use the pronoun “I” in this


• Some research about typical food consumed and celebrations from the early

1800’s is required and as such, it is imperative that in-text citations and a

reference list are provided, including “Personal Communications” if applicable

• The paper will be evaluated for clarity, depth of reflection, insight, and critical


Meaningful discussion papers may demonstrate (but are not limited to) the following:

• Clearly expressed and organized ideas that are well-supported and relevant to

the content/topic

• Depth of reflection, personal insight, and evidence of critical thinking

• Connections between your life, previous knowledge and experience, and/or other

course content

• Relevant examples from your own life experience


Although this discussion paper is expected to be in your own writing and based on your

own opinion, you will need to consult outside sources, specifically for the historical

context. You may also choose to reference some of the course materials or other

sources to support your points. Since these sources help to form your discussion and

are not your own ideas, they are considered outside sources and therefore must be

acknowledged with in-text citations and a reference list in APA format - even when

writing in your own words.

In cases where course materials are used as a source, cite the original source of

information, not your professor or lecture slides or the modules. In this course, the links

to the original sources are included in the lecture slides as well as the Weekly

Resources section of Blackboard.

In accordance with Seneca’s Academic Policy, should in-text citations and a reference

list be omitted, the assignment will be graded as 0, until further review by the Academic

Integrity Committee. See Seneca Libraries APA Citation Guide for information about

how to create in-text citations and a works cited/reference list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food and Culture
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor's Name
Food and Culture
Food is one of the essentials of human existence. Food has evolved alongside the evolution of men. Notable changes exist in the types of food and the order in which they are consumed in present-day society compared to the times of our ancestors. One significant insight about food is that it is cultural and varies from one culture to another. In this discussion, I explore the food culture of my ancestors' festivals, which involved food, and compare them with our present-day food while determining the similarities and differences.
Historical Context
In the 1800s, the staple food for my ancestors that hailed from Alaska included seal, caribou, and berries (Heeringa et al., 2019). They used to hunt seals all year round. Sometimes they ate arctic hare, fish, whales, and birds. The seals were the most common food because they hunted them all year round, and every part of the seal's body was edible except the gallbladder. Furthermore, they ate raw rubber mixed with berries and meat. My ancestors used blood soup alongside dried intestines (Kuhnlein & Humphries, 2017). At this time, there were no vegetables to supplement their bodies with vitamins.
One of the celebrations that my ancestors (the Inuit) from Alaska held during the winter was the Quviasukvik (Heeringa et al., 2019). They celebrated the festival to connect with the spirits, helping them maintain their ties between the past and the present. It was a celebration that helped in soothing the roaming spirits. It was a way of wishing them good luck. During this festival, my ancestors ate various foods and drinks. Meats obtained from fish, seals, and birds were common. They would pour some blood to the ground to share with the roaming spirits and appease them.
Ancestral Food Culture Compared to Today
I was born in America in the State of California. I still live in the same state. The staple food, especially on the North Coast, is seafood. The seafood includes meat from seals, whales, and fish. We also eat almonds, apricots, walnuts, and olives alongside the seafood. Currently, drive-in restaurants offer fast foods, including burgers sandwiches. Our breakfast consists of orange juice, sourdough with avocado toast, scrambled eggs, sweet potato fries, and veggie sausage. We eat different types of food during lunch. We may decide to eat a rice dish with pizza or a mission burrito with a French dip sandwich (Marshall et al., 2017). Every lunch meal is accompanied by Cobb salad. We eat ranch dressing, avocado toast, fortune cookies, and some lunchtime recipes for dinner.
Comparing my ancestors' foods with our food today reveals several similarities and differences. First, our staple food is seafood. Similarly, my ancestors depended on seafood, including seals, whales, and fish. It implies that we have maintained our culture by maintaining seafood as our staple food (Kessouri et al., 2020). On the other hand, some of the foods we eat today have changed significantly compared to our ancestors' food in the 1800s. Notably, today we include vegetables in almost every meal. In the 1800s, our ancestors used to eat only meat and berries, which implies that they did not have veggies on their menu (Kuhnlein & Humphries, 2017). Our ancestors did not suffer from vitamin deficiencies despite lacking vegetables on their menu. However,...
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