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Research Female Gender Equality in Modern America

Essay Instructions:

Paper requirements: Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, and have margins no wider than 1¼”. Use a 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman or something similar. Do not use Courier.
Paper length: 6-8 pages (1800-2400 words)
Option 2: Using any of the readings from this semester as a springboard, write an argumentative essay concerning gender equality in modern America. Come up with your own thesis (using the “They Say/I Say” method), take a stand, and prove your points. Make sure you construct a strong, complex thesis that allows for deliberation. Explain all of your reasoning to your best ability so as to never lose your reader. Make sure you answer the questions “so what?” and “who cares?” while writing.
For both options: In this essay, you must use a minimum of four articles/essays/sources to argue your points. You must also include a naysayer/opposing viewpoint while constructing your argument.
In your paper you must include quotes in support of your thesis statement, preferably integrated into your text. For each point you make in support of your thesis you will: define your point in a clear manner, provide a source to support your point, and discuss how the example relates to your point.
You must cite a minimum of five passages, in MLA format, to support your thesis.
Essay 3 will practice the following skills: integration of multiple texts with your ideas, summary, lens/artifact (option 1), MLA documentation, organization, research, paragraph structure and support (“evidence”), development of a thesis, and critical/analytical thinking. Essay 3 is worth 20% of your final grade.
This is not a reflective piece. Therefore, use of personal pronouns (e.g., I, me, my) or personal statements (e.g., I think, I feel, I know) are not permitted.

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Female Gender Equality in Modern America
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but also a foundation for a prosperous, sustainable and peaceful world. Provision of equality to females in the workplaces, at home, at schools, in political and economic decision making processes amounts to sustainability with benefits to humanity and the society. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals aims at achieving progress towards gender equality and women empowerment all over the world. Despite various achievements in modern feminism, sexualism is still an insurmountable obstacle. The road to the 21st century female equality has hefty barriers. The one obvious issues facing female equality is men and there is no point hiding behind words like sexism and patriarchy on considering the people that are in charge today and those who have the power to prevent females from climbing up on the phallic plinth beside men. But before females are referred as aggressive looking and man-hating, this essay will break down the uninitiated struggles to achieving gender equality and argue over the gender equality facets that are already appreciated in modern America.
The media perpetuation
The media does a lot to perpetuate unhelpful stereotypes that comes majorly from advertisements and they possess real life implications. One can ask why a humorous television advertisement about meat and masculinity would impact American viewers. This is from an advert that is about an attractive twenty year old guy that has bought organic tofu, and he is looking sheepishly at another man that has bought many kilos of ribs (Freeman and Merskin 277). Here many critiques and feminists would probably ascertain that the advert questions the masculinity of the healthy shopper over his wimpy healthy food choice. It shows the clarity of what the shopper must do to gain his masculinity back and the shopper leaves the grocery store and buys an SUV. Nevertheless, critiques argue that this partriachial domination of nature and animals has its linkages to sexual oppression of females (277).
Despite this critique, the portrayal of masculine sexuality described through meat eating is embraced in the media. Advertising does not only sell a product, it building meaning and articulates it to the audience and this is through creating stereotypes that would simplify a trait like gender. Proponents of feminism would argue that the carefully cultivated gender becomes a normal regime of truth in popular American imagination. In addition, the connotative message from commercials and adverts is unpacked to clearly read their impression on muscular identity and American values (278). The evidence cited proved concisely that the promotion of the sex role stereotype is as unhealthy as the food type in fast foods.
Objectifying women
Another example of a commercial with the same theme is the burger king commercial that stars Hottie. These commercials objectify women and shows how gender inequality in a modern American woman is portrayed negatively. The shoot refers to sandwich products while denoting to the female actress` related body parts. The chicken breasts are equated to the woman`s breasts and the ranch dressing that overflows is portrayed as the woman`s milk (282,287). In addition, Dr. Carl J `s commercial relates the natural chicken breast to the women’s breasts that require augmentation (283, 287).
But feminists will certainly take issue with the argument that these commercials show the incorporation of meat and the female body as part of men`s desire and it forms a heterosexual male gaze. This violates and vitiates the female gender equality rights as advertisement is a tool that conveys certain messages to the society. Such a message is inflicted on the people and people’s views about women is shuttered and disregarded. Women become sexual symbols and the men will surely dominate them. Of course many men and critics would probably disagree since women have an aesthetic value to them and their bodies, and it is the reason why they are featured in advertisements in the first place. However, for a modern American female, gender equality is a need that should not be disregarded in the media, but rather it should be embraced.
Women disempowerment
To add to this, the Manthem Ad shows a man walking out on a woman because the man is fed up with the woman`s dictation that he should eat small portions and the food provided is more leafy than meaty (286). Critiques see this as a man that is constrained by a modern woman and therefore, men should form a revolution to get their control over meat. While it is true that no one should control what one wants to eat, the argument is that the commercial mocks female rights movements, especially since the commercial challenges feminist movements through mocking the female right activist song “I am a woman hear me roar.”(286)Various advertisements show disempowering of women through annihilating them or using sexualized female body parts, but this essay insists that creating female partnership and social contribution is one way to encourage female equality. These findings have a broader implication on men as they gain more control and freedom to have everything go their way (288).
Division of labor
Gender equality comes from sharing responsibilities. In preparing for parenthood, both the man and the woman need to be ready to take care of their baby. The essay about the Chest of Drawers clearly shows how gender equality is spread through the family in its division of labour. Ben is clearing the frames of their past memories so that they can have enough for when the baby comes. While it is true that traditionally this would be work that stereotypically a woman should do, but in sharing responsibilities and portraying gender equality, “Annie watched her husband remove the evidence of their lived lives in favor of the ghost of their future child.”(Ausubel 75) Ben asked Annie” how else can I prepare to be a father?” (75) These statement inarguably shows the amount of equality they have for each other. Ben recognized the importance of the female in carrying the baby for nine months and that’s why he said “you get to prepare quiet literally, you are growing her for us.” Critic would argue that this situation made Ben think of how else he could add up to sharing the duties with her wife, and that is when he mentioned that “I want to do something myself for the baby.” (76) This showed how much effort he was putting in the preparation for a baby which when argued traditionally, it is left for the woman to take care of the baby and prepare for the baby`s birth.
Marriage and companionship
Ben also started making chest drawers for the baby. Despite having trouble opening it, he bought brass knobs and fixed the dra...
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