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Expressions of Racism in Society

Essay Instructions:

1) Read this article about the Director of our very own Zimmerli Museum (Links to an external site.)
link: https://www(dot)rutgers(dot)edu/news/zimmerli-art-museum-director-played-lead-role-art-activism-against-aids#.XAVO2GhKiUk

2) Write a 2 page paper where you address the following topic, and be sure to support your argument with references to any of the readings and viewings that we've done this semester:
In the article Sokolowski said, "Visual AIDS was the most important thing I have ever done, but it’s time now for the younger generation to take charge and make change in this world." What is one social issue that YOU would like to positively impact, WHY, and how would YOU use art to do it?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Racism is still a primary concern in various countries despite much emphasis on eradicating the concept. It occurs in multiple forms and can happen in various places. Individuals are discriminated against and prejudiced based on their color or nationality. Racism is mainly associated with acts of harassment or violence, although it does not only involve such practices only (Smedley, 2017). In addition, excluding people from various groups due to their origin depicts racism. Racism is primarily expressed in individual actions and attitudes. It might also be portrayed in systems and institutions, although it might not be revealed in some scenarios. Not all aspects of racism are apparent. For instance, an organization manager might look at a list of job applicants and decide not to interview applicants with certain names. Racism is attributable to individuals' surroundings since people adapt to traits taught to them by their society and culture. It is often assumed that parents are responsible for the racist act of their children (Wan & Kaplan, 2017). However, the truth is that kids will always be racist unless their parents teach them not to be racist. Changing the racism aspect in society requires a variation in culture. A positive change in culture affects individuals' attitudes which influences internal thinking.
Racism has various negative impacts on society. The practice affects people's physical and mental health and is unfavorable for business, affecting a nation's economy. Racism results in long-term physical problems for individuals who encounter racism due to stress associated with the actions. Stress can increase blood pressure and impair the defense system raising the risk of long-term health complications (Lewsley, 2020). Also, stress resulting from racism can contribute to behaviors that further jeopardize individuals' physical health. For instance, discrimination is associated with high alcohol consumption rates, smoking, and drug abuse.
Further, racism adversely affects people's mental health compared to their physical health. Mental health issues associated with ...
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