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Executive Summary (Benchmark Assessment)

Essay Instructions:
CLASS: Nursing leadership and management In this assignment, you will select a program, quality improvement initiative, or other project from your place of employment. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (850-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which they will make their decision to fund your program or project. The summary should include: 1) The purpose of the program or project. 2) The target population or audience. 3) The benefits of the program or project 4) The cost or budget justification. 5) The basis upon which the program or project will be evaluated. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nursing Quality and Performance Program Name: Institution: Date: Nursing Quality and Performance Program Introduction Performance and quality improvement is a dynamic interdisciplinary process striving for outcomes established every year by the leadership of the hospital as well as the board of trustees. Therefore, there is a need for a program in every medical centre that would foster a culture supporting high quality patient care. QSPIP (the quality and safety performance improvement program) aligns all the nursing departments to show excellent in the hospital. Herein is the executive summary of the program examining the purpose, target audience, the benefits of the program, budget and the evaluation basis of the program in efforts to seek funding from the Vanderbilt University Medical centre’s board (Clark, 2009). The program’s purpose The program is designed to establish a frame work that would help placing nurses in the frontline for transforming the healthcare in the entire Vanderbilt Clinical enterprises. The program intends to support the nursing plan strategy of VUMC 2010 through specification of activities to ensure highly reliable healthcare from the nurses and taking advantage of the nurses’ capabilities, as well as the special contributions of the entire medical team in the hospital (Clark, 2009). Therefore, the program has identified six recommendations in the health care that are significant for improving the quality and safety through the nursing frame work such as goals, objectives and strategies with each being grounded in the call for the medicine institute’s improvement call. These dimensions of health care include safe; which is avoiding harm and injuries to patients, effective; to provide health services to those who are likely to benefit from the scientific evidence and patient-centered; it is ensuring that patient values are key in all clinical decisions. Then there is a time aspect; to reduce unnecessary harmful delays, efficient; to minimize wastes especially human resources and other materials and equitable; this means that there is no change in quality because of a change in age ethnicity, gender and or geographical location. The target population The program is designed for the nurses in the Vanderbilt University Medical center. Because of the need to improve on the quality and safety performance of the nurses, the program found that there was a necessity to address the personnel who are responsible for the delivery of the health services (Meisenheimer, 1997). The programs will provide the nurses with a leadership opportunity for implementing, identifying, and disseminating the improvement projects at various levels such as service, departmental and unit. These projects will provide nurses with forums for discussion with their peers, hence encouraging the research in VUMC (Schroeder, 1994). Further, the program extends to other members of health care team in the institution. This is to ensure that there is total coordination in delivery of se...
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