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Ethical News Story Video

Essay Instructions:

PART ONE—Write 500-600 word paper that is written as a news story, and give an analysis of a recent (last three years) management scandal involving ethics, corporate social responsibility, or environment sustainability. Connect the news story you present with the need for ethics and social responsibility in strategic planning. How could a more effective strategic plan affect the issue(s) included in the news story? See Chapter 9 in the course textbook to introduce the overall subject material, and to give you suggestions about where to locate appropriate news material (Hint: you must not write about Rhinos, a topic in the forums). NOTE: This paper will not be examined for APA compliance, but will be checked for appropriate source verification. Therefore, show your sources clearly (using citations is the most effective way to link sources with references). The writing should contain a minimum of three scholarly citations/references beyond your textbook (use the APUS Online Library as resource). A title page and references page are required, but APA will not formally be graded.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical News Story Video
JP Morgan Chase Bank’s Ethical News Story Video
JP Morgan Chase Bank is an American multinational banking company with its headquarters located in New York City, United States. The banking and financial services company has branches in Australia, North America, Africa, South America as well as Asia. The bank has been in banking business since 1799 and the current banking group has been established as a result of many mergers and acquisitions throughout the years. The company’s net revenue was US$ 21.76 billion in December 2014 (JPMorgan, 2014).
A federal investigation of JP Morgan revealed a management issue in China that related to unethical hiring practices that happened in 2013. The scandal was unveiled by Securities and Exchange Commission which was investigating whether JP Morgan hired the sons and daughters of China’s elite to win lucrative business. The government authorities also extended their investigation on JPMorgan’s hiring practices across Asia, focusing on India, South Korea and Singapore. Some of the children of powerful Chinese officials who were hired by the Bank included the son of Tang Shuangning, a former Chinese banking regulator who currently works as the chairman of China Everbright Group which is a state-controlled financial corporation. Another unethically employed personnel was the daughter of a Chinese railway official (Silver-Greenberg, et al. 2013). According to a report by Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Ben Protess and David Barboza of New York Times, the bank at some point created a formal "Sons and Daughters" program and is also accused of having won business deals from companies with ties to the hired sons and daughters of China’s elite.
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