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Discussions on Copyright

Essay Instructions:

Page 1: Watch this YouTube video:


What did you learn about copyright from watching it? If you already know a good deal about copyright, then what points does it make that you think are important?

Page 2: ou are the editor of an anthology of articles by different writers in different locations on the subject of computer documentation. The anthology will be published by a small commercial press. The press will print and bind the anthology from camera-ready copy you provide. Make policy decisions on the following issues with the goal of creating a useful, high-quality anthology that also can be produced economically and efficiently. Identify the bases for decision making.

There is not necessarily a “right” plan or one that will work in all situations. The study walks you through the process of thinking about the variables of a project.

You may pick from one or more of the following questions:

1. How will the articles be acquired? How can you get quality articles and a broad coverage of topics? Will there be a general solicitation in journals that potential contributors read? Will some people be invited to contribute, and if so, will acceptance of their articles be offered in advance or will their articles be subject to peer review? Will only original articles be accepted, or will reprints also be accepted?

2. How will camera ready copies be obtained? Will writers submit camera ready pages according to your specifications? Will they submit disks? Will they submit hard copy that will be scanned?

3. Printing economy dictates 8 1/2 x 11-inch pages. Will pages be laid out in two columns or in one column with wide margins? Two columns would probably be more readable and would allow more words per page, but they would be harder to produce because of controlling for column breaks as well as page breaks and because multiple writers will prepare the chapters.

4. How consistent must the individual chapters be? If one includes a list of references for further reading, must all of them.

5. How and where will contributor biographies be printed: at the beginning of the anthology or with each chapter?

6. What kinds of illustrations and how many per chapter will be allowed? What will be the responsibilities of authors for providing digital copies?

Page 3:Report on your work from the Instructions/Process Description Assignment, (which you wrote about before): Write a set of instructions of around 500 words. If you have written a set of instructions for another class, feel free to use it. Then revise a students instructions. NOW, you write about for this assignment: What did you do? What do you think you learned from doing this assignment? What were the challenges? How did you deal with them? ** If you need to remember what you wrote go back to the order number and you should fine the info there**

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Page 1- Copyright
Books and work of art including play music, dances, movies and pictures are copyright protected, and one cannot use them without the authorization of copyright owners. However, there are circumstances under fair use where one can use such materials including, news reporting, parody critical and commentary, while the nature amount and commercial use of copyright materials are considered to determine whether users have violated the intellectual property. The fair use of copyrighted work is permitted when it is transformative, adds value or repurposes an original work intended for a new audience. In academics, creating educational material suitable for education settings and this includes relying on implied licenses associated with the Creative Commons licenses.
Commentary and criticism of copyrighted work including reviews allow people to critique the work of other people, and reproduce some sections. However, the quotation or use of images and videos is acknowledged. This is especially when the public benefits from a review of copyrighted work, especially for articles. Including the quoted materials strengthens argument, and is preferred to connect with the original work. Parodies imitate or ridicule other works in a comical manner, and a larger content of the content may be used to connect with the original work, unlike other instances when fair use of copyright is permitted.
Before using a copyrighted work, there is a need to determine who owns the copyright, since this may require the creation of a licensing agreement. Other than this is the need to consider how the public domain and fair use of the copyright work influence using such material. Even though, one may claim that a copyright material is in the public domain, there are multilayered works, where some elements are protected from infringement. Nonetheless, there is no need to credit the authors for writing that is in public domain, when the material is made into new works. This does not mean plagiarizing the work of other people without attributing their contribution.
Page 2- Anthology policy decisions
When submitting the anthologies, the final manuscript ought to be complete, with the while including illustrations, sources and exhibits relevant to the sections. The final changes that need to be made should be included in the submitted document to be published. Include the relevant information of the title, summary of contents and authors. To avoid wasting time piecing together the information the illustration should be complete while integrated with the information provided. Illustrations that interrupt the flow of information should either be placed where they are linked with the text, and if this is not possible they will be removed. This is necessary since the anthologies are placed in sections, where related article are grouped together.
The anthology will also be published digitally, as this is more economical compared to traditional publishers. The authors will be expected to work with us directly, and ensure that they have up-to-date software, to ensure that they can transfer larger downloadable files. When there are separate chapters, provide one chapter for each of the chapters and indicate them in the right order. The sentences should not go beyond twenty sentences l...
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