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Creative Writing
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Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Creative Writing Essay

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Topic- Coping with PTSD

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Department, University
The paper's main aim is to investigate the role that general PTSD coping styles play in developing and maintaining PTSD symptoms. The study assessed the various coping strategies that individuals use in situations of stress in everyday life. These coping strategies included strategies that also play a significant role in raising stress levels. Some of the strategies assessed by the study included denial of guilt, minimization, self-aggrandizement, situation control, self-blame, self-pity, aggression, and drug use. The study encompassed these characters in a linear regression model with cognitive factors, personality traits, and significant influences related to traumatic occurrences.
Previous research has proven that Motor vehicle accidents are among the most experienced and frequent traumatic events in society (Mattson et al., 2018). For instance, Germany reports more than 2 million motor vehicle accidents each year. An analysis of these accident numbers showed that out of these 2 million people, 6500 people lose their lives while 450,000 individuals end up being injured or mutilated. This research estimated the prevalence of experiencing an accident to nineteen percent. Also, the majority of motor vehicle accident survivors report practical incidences and symptoms of PTSD. Thus, the study proved that PTSD is not a result that can be easily ignored after a motor vehicle accident.
The study researched 44 individuals who recently survived severe motor vehicle accidents. The study recruited the 44 participants via a local newspaper and the university's Accident Research Department's support. The sample study comprised of participants involved in motor vehicle accidents six months before the study. Eighteen individuals from the 44 motor vehicle survivors appeared to be adequate to me...
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