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Cultural Aspects of Japanese Eating Whale Meat

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Details

Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not a traditional essay in format or tone, all of the elements necessary for good writing still apply, including attention to grammar, thorough proofreading and spelling checks, and presenting views in an organized paragraph structure.


Your company has sent you abroad to Japan for a business trip, and while at a business dinner, you notice that whale meat is on the restaurant menu as a traditional part of the local cuisine. Click here to review Japanese views on eating whale meat.

Journal Entry

Write a journal entry which is 1-2 double-spaced pages in length that addresses the following questions. You are not required to include a cover page, but if you refer to information from other sources, be sure you provide in-text citations in accordance with APA requirements. Make sure you refer to the rubric to ensure you address all the requirements for the paper.

Description: Imagine how you would feel if you were in the scenario. Describe your reaction(s) to the situation. How do you feel about it? What is your initial reaction? How might you handle this situation at the restaurant?

Interpretation and reflection: Reflect on the cultural aspects of the scenario presented. Do people outside of a culture have the right to criticize that culture’s values or beliefs? Why or why not?

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Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points

Content Description Journal Description:

• Provides personal response to the issues raised in the scenario

• Demonstrates critical thinking in connecting the given scenario to key course concepts from readings and other academic resources.

• Makes relevant inferences through contextual explanations and examples. /20 pts.

Interpretation/Reflection Journal reflection:

• Demonstrates insight and awareness of the relevance of the questions and their cultural implications to the world and society

• Examines personal assumptions and explores alternative perspectives.

• Includes what was learned from engaging with the questions and how it will inform personal behavior in the future, demonstrating growth and awareness. /20 pts.

Writing Quality Journal response is well-articulated, including in-text citations and references in accurate APA Style as needed, and is free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors. /10 pts.

Total /50 pts.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. View the grading rubric.

Assignment Reminders:

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If you are still having difficulties after trying steps 1-4, please contact your course instructor.


Baseel, C. (2015, October 6). How do people in Japan feel about eating whale? We asked five people for their opinions. Sora News 24. https://en(dot)rocketnews24(dot)com/2015/10/06/how-do-people-in-japan-feel-about-eating-whale-we-asked-five-people-for-their-opinions/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What Is Culture
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What Is Culture
Eating whales is part of the Japanese culture, and people from other cultures should respect this factor. Respecting other people's cultures is essential because it is the only way for people to interact with each other peacefully. Given that I was going on a business trip, the best thing to do in the scenario of seeing a whale on the menu is not to comment on the matter. People have different perspectives about whales' consumption, and therefore, presenting my views to another person might hurt their feelings because they have a different opinion about the subject. I do not support eating whales for various reasons, and therefore, the situation would make me a little uncomfortable, but I would not share it with another person. My main reaction to the scenario is that I would feel surprised about the situation. However, I would do it in a manner that none of the other people in the restaurant noticed my reaction. If people notice my reaction to the scenario of having whales on the menu, they might misinterpret my personality and beliefs. Therefore, I would order food I am comfortable eating and let other people order what they deem fit.
The cultural aspect of the scenario shows that the Japanese like eating a certain type of food that is not commonly consumed in other parts of the world. This represents the rareness aspect of culture. Some cultures are only available in a few cultures across the world, which can make people have a negative perspective on the matter. For instance, the culture of eating whales is sensitive due to the process of capturing t...
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