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Crime Scene: Homicide Investigation

Essay Instructions:

The reason a crime scene search is conducted is to establish the parameters of the crime being investigated and to identify and seize evidence at the scene that will connect the suspect(s) and victim(s) to the scene. It will establish linkage between evidence items and their associative value to each other. It will help identify what actions occurred at the crime scene during the commission of the offense(s). It will also identify items that are missing from the scene or items that are in the crime scene that should not be there. The crime scene process helps identify the methods used (modus operandi) at the scene by the offender(s).

For the purpose of this assignment, you are an investigator on your way to a murder crime scene. Research the following points, and write a 4–6-page paper fully explaining each point:

The new Crime Scene Investigator assigned to work for you has never processed a homicide scene before. While en route to the scene, you discuss with your new partner the details you were given by the dispatcher. You discuss methods of crime scene searching with each other.

You have been provided 2 crime scene sketches. Click here for interior https://resources(dot)careered(dot)com/LCMSFileSharePreview/Resources/JPEGImageFiles/CRJS365_U2_Submission_Interior.jpg

and here for exterior


Determine (based on the sketches) your suggested plans for searching the crime scene(s) in this scenario.

Based on the sketches, signify the areas to be searched and the evidence that might be associated with this crime scene.

If you had other personnel available to assist you and your new partner, what directives and assignments would you provide them with to assist in your crime scene search process?

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crime Scene: Homicide Investigation
Crime scenes search are conducted to investigate the parameters of the crime committed and seize and identify evidence connecting the victim and the perpetrator at the scene. In addition, the search establishes a link between evidence items and their associative value to the crime. Further, it helps identify actions that occurred in the commission of the offense, missing items, or those that should not be at the crime scene. Finally, the crime search helps identify the offender's method at the scene. This paper's sketches indicate that the offense committed was a homicide by gunshot. Thus, to brief the new investigator, a well-executed plan includes:
* Assessing the scene.
* Managing the scene.
* Documentation.
* Canvassing the area.
* Scene processing (photographing, videotaping, sketching, scene search, and fingerprinting).
In addition, examining the body and the evidence available (trace, pattern, and condition evidence) are some activities that will occur before notifying next of kin. 
Assessing the Scene
After arriving at the scene, I would record the arrival time and location of the stage. Also, I would record the weather and lighting conditions of the day. I would then record information about the reporting officer, their identity, police number, and other relevant information. Significantly, I would engage with the commanding officer at the scene to ensure they conducted their duty to ensure that the crime scene was safe and secure and that they documented what they observed and the state of the victim. After assessing the background, I would take control of the scene by watching the perimeter and requesting help from other investigators. In the scenario, areas of investigation include the interior and exterior of the house, the victim's body and clothes, all wooden areas, the Home's perimeter, the area around her body, all frontage areas, and a quick check on the Old Long road. The black woman was shot in the face by the offender. I would note that homicide crimes begin when the offender changes their intent to action. Thus, the primary crime scene in the scenario is outdoor, but the crime started indoors. Accordingly, I would delegate duties among the team members and assure them a thorough search is required to gather enough evidence. 
Evidence Collection
Geberth (2020) states that every perpetrator must go places or touch things by purpose or accident. Also, they must use an escape route from the scene, and evidence can be found in any of the places. Thus, as an investigator, understanding any object can contain proof is essential. From the scenario, photographing, documenting, and evaluating the activities that transpired would help to understand the motive behind the offense. 
Interior and Exterior of the House
First, photographing the house's interior, the door, the lamp on the floor, scattered clothes, and the overturned coffee table would provide pattern and conditional evidence. Second, sketching the scene would narrow down the evidence to what is relevant and exclude unnecessary details. In addition, videotaping will help further the investigation after the crime scene (Howell, 1999). Thus, the method that will be used to collect evidence is the strip method, grid, and z...
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