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Composition and The Rhetoric of Science Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

What you want to do is to study in more depth a topic related to rhetoric of science. You can certainly start with Composition and the Rhetoric of Science, but I expect your work to go beyond it. Zerbe gives you a good idea of the scholarship in the area in terms of who has written what. These sources could be pursued in greater depth. The purpose of the research paper is to go beyond Zerbe and add to the conversation, not to repeat what I have read this semester. When you have a bibliography (or Works Cited page), you should have a text citation for each source listed there. Likewise, there should be bibliographical citation for each text citation. You may choose any topic you like from the book. 

Book used: ISBN: 0-8093-2740-6

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Composition and The Rhetoric of Science
Composition and The Rhetoric of Science
Michael J. Zerbe presents rather detailed approach to understanding the scientific discourse and how important it is for students (Zerbe, 2007). Creative writing is one of the core aspects that students have to learn as they go on with the studies. However, the most important aspect is related to the ability of the student to express their ideas. According to Zerbe understanding the elements of composition and the rhetoric of science is crucial for the instructors as they teach their students on the best way to develop their literacy skills. This is also related to the fact that the scientific discourse is part of the rhetoric status and one that is crucial in the western culture. However, much of the skills that the students gain in school are lacking in the scientific discourse, which would better prepare them for science and technology course and even carriers (Patel, 2016). This is a crucial set of skills and one that students need to master as they develop their writing skills. What is most important is the fact that, much of these skills are not just for the school examination purposes, but they are also for the kind of work that the students will be engaged in when they leave school. This is further associated with the fact that, when one is working, they will be in most of the cases be required to offer reports to the superiors on the level of progress that they have made or even present information to their board. This is information that should be coherent and presenting factual information along with the persuasion needed to help the audience to relate with it (Baker, Lewis, Purzer, & Lang, 2009).
Scientific discourse is one of the most crucial element of writing due in part to a number of approaches that are used. These are approaches that are crucial to the ability of a student or even any professional to present information in a manner that is coherent (Zerbe, 2007). One of the aspects that has to be considered with respect to scientific rhetoric is presentation of new information. It is important that a student is able to present new information from a well-researched approach. This is with reference to the fact that, they have to touch on the information that already existing, make reference to the new information and present in a manner that is appealing to the audience. At the same time, other that the information being appealing, it also has to be presented in a manner that draws interest from the audience from a persuasive perspective (Wallace, 2004). Other than that it has to be well researched to make sure that it points to the works of other researchers to ensure that it is authentic (Patel, 2016). Writing research papers in the realm of scientific and technology studies is a crucial skill that means that the student will have to be organized from the time they gather their information to the way that they present that information to the audience. Any flaw that is found in the scientific method of research that the students fails to streamline will mean that the rest of the information presented and the efforts that go into the paper are lost in the simple mistake.
When working on a research report of major steps that one has to take is to make sure that they have the right material. Ideally this means that one has to carryout research to establish the extent of their topic and how it has been presented in the past (Bauer, 2009). Writing skills require that one is well informed on the topic that they are working (Patel, 2016). This means that, before presenting the new information in any paper they have to have mastered what has come before. Part of the scientific information presentation approach requires that students understand what other researchers that have come before them with reference to the topic of choice, have said about the same (Zerbe, 2007). It is hard for researchers to come out with new information that has not been established in the past. Every other information that exists is based on old information that may have come up quite a while back along the broad spectrum of research. As such, it is the work of the student to establish what it is that the other researchers have said about the topic in the past (Baker, Lewis, Purzer, & Lang, 2009). For the student, other than understanding the information that is presented by other researchers, it is their duty to present the missing information relative to the same. It is this gaps in the information presented that makes the basis of the paper. For example, is a student is to present information on how the recent presidency was worn, this is rather new information. However, there are other researchers that have established patterns on how candidates win elections and the psychology behind the strategies that have been used in the past and what was applied in the recent election (Murray, 2016). If one is presenting information about genetic engineering could be used for healing diseases like cancer, they also have to present information about how genetic engineering has been presented in the past with reference to curative applications (Murray, 2016). This will then offer the platform to let the audience know that this a science that can also be used to cure cancer.
The element of having information from the past researches or from other writers on the topic presents an element of authenticity. It is rare that is going to present information about a certain topic that has not been presented in the past. Be it that they are giving a different approach on the topic or that they have some new information on the same or even a different opinion on the same, there has to be some element of background information (Sterling, 2016). It is for this reason that scientific research papers will always have some background information related to the topic in question.
As a student developing their skills in writing, it is crucial to note that, there is not a piece of information that occurs in isolation. This is to mean that, before one presents any form of information, it is important that research the topic thoroughly. One of the aspects that makes research paper to seem like they are unprofessionally presented, is assuming that such information is the first of its kind. It is possible to give insights on a given topic and manage to bring out a rather unique perspective on the same (Baker, Lewis, Purzer, & Lang, 2009). This is largely the basics of creative writing. However, it is only possible to do so when there is some element of research into what has come before and making reference to the same, before presenting the concluding remarks. This means that the audience will be able to refer to what others have said about the topic and further relate the same to what the writer is talking about. The element of professionalism is also related in part to the fact that, some of the audience may have come across information on the said topic. This means that they understand some...
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