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Are Food and Water, the Basic Needs for Survival, Available To Every American Equally?

Essay Instructions:

write an essay on one "Are food and water, the basic needs for survival, available to every American equally? Come up with your own argument and write an essay concerning the societal impact of food in America. One of those sources is from class reading which I am attaching, and another must come from physical book, magazine or newspaper/journal not internet search. You must include a naysayer/opposing viewpoint while constructing your argument. Use MLA formatting, when using quotes in support of your thesis statement integrate them into your text. For each point you make in support of your thesis you will define your point in clear manner, provide a source to support and discuss how the example relates to your point. you must cite a minimum of four passages in MLA format to support your thesis. While your personal experience may come to bear on this essay this is not reflective piece. Therefore use of personal pronouns or personal statement are not permitted

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Are Food and Water, the Basic Needs for Survival, Available To Every American Equally?
Food and water are basic needs that every human being needs to survive and thrive. In the United States, despite food and water being basic human needs, the constitution does not declare that one is entitled or has a right to them. In this case, every person has to work to produce a good or service in exchange for these items because of the value associated with them. In America food and water are still not equally availed to every American because of the inherent social and economic problems that exist (Fargo 345). For this reason, it is important to understand that food and water remains a challenge for many Americans to attain because of issues of minimum wage, prolonged unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and emergency food assistance that is evident in many cases.
Unemployment is a reality in American and this has contributed to disparities in food and water problems. Given that unemployment rate in America is below 5% to about 4.9% in 2016, many feel that for America unemployment is low. However, these statistics indicate more than 7.9 million Americans do not have full time employment (Goldstein). Unemployment is one of the causes of food and water problems to many people in the American society. This is because when one endures prolonged unemployment, it also creates a shortage of economic and social resource that one can have access to in order to thrive. Thus, unemployment can cause a person to have financial problems that other Americans are not experiencing. Such financial problems would means that a person may not be able to afford decent meals such as other individuals like home cooked meals that are healthier (Goldstein). This person could be forced to take fast foods especially junk foods that would endanger the person’s health and so this means that the resources are not distributed equally. Further, if a person has limited reach for economic resources, it means that one can have problems such as water rationing or shortages after being unable to pay the bills. In this way, when there is unemployment, it means that resources are not distributed equally which also indicates that food and water are not availed equally to all Americans. “At a time when rising poverty, widespread unemployment and other effects of the recession have been well documented, the report released Monday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides the government's first detailed portrait of the toll that the faltering economy has taken on Americans' access to food” (Goldstein), which means that water and food are still farfetched for many people in America.
Moreover, many Americans are low-wage earners or live on minimum wages. In the past, it was assumed that teenagers were the majority low-wage workers but research shows that adults and not the teens, contribute a large portions of households with low-incomes (Eighner 140). With the cost of living so high, low-wage workers do not have the same benefits to access to food and water like the middle and high-income earners. It becomes apparent that low-wage workers have to struggle to put a meal on the table unlike the other American population of workers. Thus creating a situation where people have to resort to other means of survival. For example, Eighner (139) describes how he became a scavenger or someone who takes his food and water from the dumpsters after things became tough while living in the streets. He writes, “I am a scavenger. I think it a sound and honorable niche, although if I could I would naturally prefer to live the comfortable consumer life, perhaps-and only perhaps- as a slightly less wasteful consumer owing to what I have learned as a scavenger” (Eighner 140). In this particular scenario, Eighner admits that life as a scavenger in the dumpsters became a reality when life became difficult and he could not afford to stay and die of hunger. There are many other Americans who also look for food in the dumpsters just like Eighner, and so it becomes apparent that they also face food and water challenges. Given this high number of people who find problems finding food and water, it is an indication that food and water are still not availed to all American equally otherwise everyone would be benefiting.
According to Donovan (27), about 1.5 million children in the U.S. stay homeless every year as many adults including the old and veterans are also homeless each year. Homelessness is a state that leaves a person vulnerable without shelter and also with a load of other social problems. One of the effects of homelessness is hunger that crops up because of not having the resources to afford food or water. People who are homeless would have to result to eating habits that differ from those with shelter and resources. For example, a person who is homeless is definitely not economically stable and so would have to forgo some meals, skip meals, and also go some days without eating. The problems of homelessness creates disparities in the way food and water is distributed in America. Donovan argues, “Of all the challenges I’ve faced as President Obama’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) these past three years, few illustrate t...
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