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Creative Writing
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Aspects of Creative Problem Solving (CPS)

Essay Instructions:

Your paper is designed to help you analyze and reflect your opinion andfindings on some aspect of creative problem solving. Your paper should draw from atleast six sources that are related to the aspect of creativity under examination in thepaper. The sources may include popular and professional, scholarly or technicalsources, but your paper should include at least three professional, scholarly, ortechnical sources (see topic list sheet on Blackboard).Consult the reference sections of your textbooks for possible sources. A visit to theCreative Studies library in Butler is also recommended. Please do not summarizewhat the sources say! Instead, use your sources to help you analyze and reflect on anissue or make an original point. Show how the articles helped to influence yourthinking about that aspect of creative problem solving. Paper is due on April 4 (startyour paper early!). It should be 6-7 page double-spaced paper based on thesereadings and must follow APA guidelines. The 6-7 pages in the paper do not includethe cover page and reverence section. Your paper should be sent to us electronically. ABlackboard drop box will be available for you to submit your paper. Please submit aMicrosoft Word version of your paper (70 points). Please use the following namingconversion to label your file, last name CRS 559 paper (e.g., Smith CRS 559 paper).This paper is assigned to assist you in analyzing and articulating your opinion and findings on some aspects of creativityand/or the Creative Problem Solving process. Please do not summarize what the sources say, but use them to help youanalysis and reflect on an issue or make an original point. In the paper show how the articles helped to influence you'rethinking about the chosen aspect of creativity or CPS. The paper should include personal applications and remarks (pleaseuse first person when describing these things) e.g.- why you are interested in the topic and how you see yourself using whatyou have learned from the research in your professional or personal life. For example, I might be interested in why CPS isan appropriate process for educational change or I might want to describe four major areas of creativity (person, process,product and press/environment) and describe how each are important considerations in building a productive classroom.

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Creative Writing
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Aspects of Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
Introduction: Understanding Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
Creative problem solving (CPS) is in most cases confused to brainstorming because it is what many people may associate it with. Nevertheless, creative problem solving is actually a clearly defined process that helps you from problem definition to implementing solutions. Creative Problem Solving is simply a problem solving technique that addresses a challenge in a creative way (Zhang, & Bartol, 2010). Creative ideas do not suddenly appear in your mind for no apparent reason. They result from the need to achieve something of solving a certain problem. Thus, creative problem solving is a process that involves the aspects of breaking down a problem for better understand, generating ideas necessary in solving the problem and evaluating the respective ideas to find the most effective problem solving solutions.
Aspects of Creative Problem Solving: “Four C” and Honing Aspects
The first aspect of creativity is “four C” model. The first c of the model is the mini c which embarks on a transformative learning process involving personally critical interpretations life experiences, evident actions, and deep insights of situations. The second on is the little c which represents everyday problems as well as creative expression. The third c is the pro-c which represents those traits exhibited by some of us who are professionally or even vocationally creative but rather not necessarily be renowned. The last c represents the rare creativity termed great in a specific field and it is known as the big C. This approach compensates the traditional view that competence is a vital figure in creativity and the domain that is the highest mark in creative problem solving (Proctor, 2014).
The second aspect of Creative problem solving (CPS) arises due to the self-organizing, self-mending nature of a worldview, which is the honing. Consequently, individual hones and definitely re-hone a very integrated worldview. Acoording to Zhang, & Bartol (2010), honing aspect of creativity emphasizes on both internal cognitive restructuring and repair and externally visible creative outcome and of the worldview brought about by the creative process.
Therefore, we can wrap up it that creativity is enjoyable and it results to a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and reward. When we learn about and apply your creativity, it can provide us with a sense of peacefulness and joy. Creative problem solving is also important because the outcomes and consequences of using creativity have benefits for individuals, groups, and organizations. It also provides important benefits to all of us, in our personal life, as well as in our work, and enhances the quality of life for society as a whole (Hommel et al., 2011).
On a personal level, accessing and using creativity releases tension and helps me lead healthy and more productive life. It helps me lead a simple life by solving situations effectively and within time. It helps me avoid traps and hence avoid getting it complicated situations. As I learn creativity problem solving ways and understand, I feel mentally as well as physically healthy. When I am facing a creatively demanding task, I create a solution by interaction the task’s conception and the worldview. This interaction is interchangeably done until the task is complete. At this point I do not only feel to have changed the task conceived of differently, but also the worldview as it follows the natural tendency of a worldview in a bid to resolve conflicts and seek internal consistency in relation to ideas, attitudes, or in other cases knowledge (Runco & Albert 2010).
The Four Major Areas of (CPS): Four Ps of Creativity in Classroom Setting
The four Ps’ of creativity is a very frequent framework used to summarize research strands of creativity. These four P’s represent the product, press, process and person. They are important in helping us to understand the different learning styles of people as we believe everyone is creative (Sternberg, 2011).
Creativity is mainly focused with little c concept and thus every day, creativity research has most focused and helped in identifying the creative aspects of a finished product. Thus, product makes the first P of the 4 P’s of creativity. Creativity problem solving helps promoting product creativity by either use of divergent thinking problems or rather the use of completed drawings, captions and sentences. The scores of creativity on some basis are used to assess the creativity of the product being produced. The situation is taken as a proxy for the creativity we used to produce such a product in an artificial, experimental condition. Creative problem solving thus delineates a product and helps produce creative products which can be described as ‘surprising, original, beautiful and useful’ (Zhang & Bartol, 2010). These creative products are more customers’ oriented as they solve a problem within the societal needs at a determined level through psychometric calculations. We can also describe creative products as one that is at the moment dictates has to be both novel as well as useful. Novel and usefulness is improved by the artifacts of the creative process and analyzing what makes a product creative. Creative problem solving is therefore important in understanding creative products and venturing in new product development and also in development of new processes in learning system thus bringing changes such inclusion ...
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