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Race and Inequality: Asian Americans as Victims of Racism Analysis

Essay Instructions:

To prepare to carry out the first steps to developing your own blog, first learn by reading others' posts. Select a blog or OpEd that has sociocultural, political, or sociological content (good examples are provided throughout this syllabus). Read that blog and jot down things you liked and disliked about the author's approach. What would you do differently, if you were making your case or framing your viewpoint?

Then, choose ONE topic from the syllabus topics we have covered so far, in this course (OR PROPOSE YOUR OWN) and:

a) Provide a title and your proposed topic - what is your angle?

b) Identify your audience - where are you hoping to post this blog, and whom would you want to reach with this information and guidance?

c) The hook - what is your specific “angle” on how you think about the topic - what got you initially interested in this issue, or what current event or moment in the last several weeks has heightened the importance of this issue for you and for your audience?

d) What 1 or 2 key constructs or concepts (e.g. residential segregation, opportunity hoarding, disenfranchisement) do you need to define, in order for your listeners to all be on the same page? Please be sure to provide citations from video lecture, from readings, or both.

e) Draft 3 or 4 pieces of compelling evidence that frames the problem, supports your position on the issue, and leads your readers to have a clearer understanding of why your position makes sense.

f) Share 1 to 2 action steps or recommendations you want to provide to your audience in order to follow up. If this blog were to galvanize us to take action, what action steps would you recommend?

g) How to close? What final words or thoughts would you like to leave us with?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Race and Inequality
Student’s Name
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Due Date
Race and Inequality
Blog Selected
The blog post by Forefront titled Racism in Chinatowns Across the US has comprehensive information about racial discrimination against Chinese Americans. The inclusion of specific data to support the assertions is commendable. However, the blog post only focuses on Chinese Americans although the problem is increasingly affecting Asian-Americans (Hu, 2021). Therefore, it is important to include all persons facing racial discrimination due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Part a
Topic: Asian Americans as Victims of Racism
In the recent past, Asian Americans are also becoming victims of racism, with a stereotypical attitude that they caused coronavirus pandemic. Such cases have been recorded in New York, where assaults against Asian Americans increased. Petri and Slotnik (2021) noted that hate crime cases against Asian Americans increased to 28 from an average of 3 in the previous year.
Part b
Dissuading the society from embracing a culture of hate based on racial differences is essential for the progress of the nation. All Americans must never hate Asian Americans based on the idea that they caused coronavirus. Consequently, there is the need to use major social media platforms to promote the blog post through hyperlinks. The main audience will be Americans and all people across the world.
Part c
The factor that triggered an interest in the topic of racial discrimination against Asian Americans through a twitter video showing a white man pushing an Asian American woman in Flushing, Queens (Eye Witness News). The video shows that the lady was injured with a wound of 10 stitches because of the violence from the man. Her only mistake was that she was an Asian and the man never wanted her to be close.
Part d
The incident prompted further research on the trend. It became clear that the scene was never an isolated incident because there was an increasing Asian Americans becoming victimization in the United States.
Part e
Petri and Slotnik (2...
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