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Analysis: Violence Memo

Essay Instructions:
Instructions: Write a 350-500 word analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the following technical document. In your analysis, discuss the document's use of language, awareness of audience, organization, professional format, and overall usability. SUBJECT: Violence Memo TO: Todd Shimoyama FROM: Avianca Harper DATE: April 2, 2007 Todd - I went to OfficePro conference on May 2. The topic was how to prevent workplace violence, and I found it very fascinating. Although we have been fortunate to avoid serious incidents at our company, it's better to be safe than sorry. Since I was the representative from our company, I thought you would like me to report about same suggestions for preventing workplace violence. Robert Mather was the presenter, and he made suggestions in three categories, which I will sum­marize here. Mr. Mother cautioned organizations to prescreen job applicants. As a matter of fact, wise com­panies do not offer employment until after a candidate's background has been checked. Just the mention of a background check is enough to make some candidates withdraw. These candidates, of course, are the ones with something to hide. A second suggestion was that companies should prepare a good employee handbook that out­lines what employees should do when they suspect potential workplace violence. This handbook should include a way for informers to be anonymous. A third recommendation had to do with recognizing red-flag behavior. This involves having com­panies train managers to recognize signs of potential workplace violence. What are some of the red flags? One sign is an increasing number of arguments with coworkers. Another sign is extreme changes in behavior or statements indicating depression over family or financial problems. Another sign is bullying or harassing behavior. Bringing a firearm to work or displaying an extreme fascination with firearms is another sign. By the way, the next OfficePro conference is in September, and the topic is the new OSHA stan­dards. I think that the best recommendation is prescreening job candidates. This is because it is most fea­sible. If you want me to do more research on prescreening techniques, do not hesitate to let me know. Let me know by May 7 if you want me to make a report at our management meeting, which is scheduled for June. Avianca
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Violence Memo Name: Instructor: Date: Violence Memo The memo report gives the purpose and problem to be tackled in first paragraph whereby the author states that the aim of attending the OfficePro conference was to discuss about workplace violence. The writer goes on and states that the reasons to why she thinks it is right for her to report about the Conference was because she was a representative of the company. However, the writer fails to mention her current position and capacity in the company. Consequently, there is need to highlight on the strengths and weaknesses of the memo. The memo’s content appears to focus on the writer as she overuses ‘I’ as though the letter is a personal one. Even though, she is reporting on what she heard and understood she nonetheless should focus on reporting to the company rather than being a letter on personal experience. Avianca’s memo lack of professionalism is evident as she uses different names for the same person...
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