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38 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police

Essay Instructions:
QUESTION 1: Write a one paragraph summary of the essay “38 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police” QUESTION 2 Tell us about a “story” you read that has influenced you in some way or has changed the way you see the world. For example, I might mention Dr. Seuss's Are You My Mother? When I read this book as a young child, it made me consider the importance of family relations and other young folks who didn't have a family model. Or, I might discuss Khaled Hosseini's novel A Thousand Splendid Suns and how it made me realize how lucky I was to be a woman in the United States—rather than Afghanistan. I might even focus on a website—for example, proactiv.com—and describe how the wonderfully persuasive arguments encouraged me to buy the product, and I ended up realizing it didn't lead to less acne. Provide some specific examples from your “story” choice and summarize the main points.
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Gansberg a journalist in New York recounts of a fateful murder that could have been prevented. In March 14 1964, a twenty-eight year-old woman named Catherine Genovese had just parked her car and was proceeding to her apartment when a twenty nine year old man named Winston Moseley stabbed her. She screamed for help and her neighbors put on lights in their houses but failed to go to her aid or at least call the police. However, one man yelled at the assailant to let her go and he walked away. Few minutes later, he stabbed her again and she cried out for help but the neighbors just opened their windows again and just watched. The assailant left in his car only to return and stab her for the third time inside the apartment building where she had managed to reach the second door and she died. After the third stab, one neighbor called the police who arrived in two minutes (Gansberg, 1964). Clearly, the neighbors would have saved her life by calling the police when the assailant first stabbed her. Their reluctance to get involved as witnesses in the police case cost a dear life.
As I read Dr. Seuss children’s simple and easy to read book about a baby bird’s search for its mother, I r...
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