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Unjust System and Inequality Depicted from 'The General' and 'Modern Times' Films

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2
Write a 950 to 1050-word analysis of one film from this module or a critical comparison of two films. You must incorporate at least one reading from this module. Your response should demonstrate your understanding of the reading and the film, including its historical significance. Do not simply summarize the film. Rather, discuss how that film has contributed to the aesthetic and/or technical innovations in film history. Also, consider how each film reflects and influences its socio-political context. You must use proper citations for all sources in your response. Below are some questions to serve as prompts for reflection. You do not have to address all of these questions in your response.
What are the central arguments made by the films and/or the texts and how do they relate to each other?
What social, cultural, political, or historical issues are brought into focus in the films and how?
What themes emerge from the films or texts and how do they relate to the historical context?
Describe the aesthetics of the film and discuss how they contribute to the development of film language.
What role does this film play in the history of film in terms of its aesthetic, technological, and or socio-political contributions?
(Module 3: Early Comedy
Film: The General (Keaton and Bruckman, 1926); https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iHlBMKtgPOA
Modern Times (Chaplin, 1936): https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=2gLa4wAia9g
Readings: Max Winter, “Slapstick Last: Why a Modern-day Harold Lloyd is Unthinkable”; Richard Brody, “The Demise of Physical Comedy”; A Short History of the Movies, Ch. 6; André Bazin, “Charlie Chaplin” in What is Cinema?, Vol. I
Notes/Lecture: Early Classical Hollywood notes, Hollywood Censorship notes, Modern Times analysis)
I have posted all links to Google Doc: https://docs(dot)google(dot)com/document/d/1tKtfF8GowWs7lHD8-fZByiDsVPfVTNykKAdTXdysxvc/edit?usp=sharing (include All film links/lecture notes/reading)
Please let me know if you need any more information!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unjust System and Inequality Depicted from 'The General' and 'Modern Times' Films
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Date of Submission
Analysis of the General and Modern Times
The film, The General, by Keaton and Bruckman, is based on John Gray, a funny character who is an engineer. Though it does not have sound, it has subtitles that guide the audience on what is going on, and thus, one can try to follow the proceedings. It starts with a romantic set-up of husband and wife in an equally well able context. Their house would be described as a middle-class house with furniture and a good environment (Keavon & Bruckman, 1926). John Gray had two loves in his life: the engine and his lover. The story illustrates his life and how he could balance his work and have time for his family. Although the twist comes, we find out that his lover was betrothed to another person. Although she loved him, the lady’s father makes John miserable as he ensures that John does not get enlisted. Thus, the story expresses the life of John, and we find out if he was able to overcome the challenges he had of getting enlisted and getting the love of his life, the General’s daughter.
Modern times by Charlie Chaplin are a film based on a story of a linesman in a factory facing many challenges at the workplace. He is given hard tasks to do despite being physically challenged (Chaplin, 1936). Also, there is the part where the company uses him to test the machines, and he ends up suffering greatly and being hurt due to the dysfunction of the machine. He is later fired from his work and ends up in the street. He later meets up with a girl he falls in love with, and together, they build a home. The film is also comic at the same time since the persona displays maniac behavior at work.
Central Argument of the Films and Their Relation
The film, The General, is a reflection of how the government works in the present day. It brings out the theme of inequality and injustice. For instance, John Gray was never enlisted because of his love life and discrimination since he was not from the same social-political status as his love. This can be seen when John goes to the office to be enlisted. The head in charge tells his subordinate not to enlist him because of personal issues. Even though John qualifies for enlisting, he cannot access it because the person is not just. The movie, therefore, highlights what injustice and inequality are and how they affect the victims.
Similarly, modern times’ film highlights injustice and inequality in workplaces. The line worker is given work beyond his capability; thus, it is hard to work. Therefore, he expresses his frustrations by being rebellious at work and doing the activities seen. Even after leaving the factory, his life is seen to be in misery since whatever activity he gets to do fails.
The social, cultural, political, or historical context of the films
The film has influenced the social-political setting since it depicts a high-status family versus a low-status family (Winter, 2013). For instance, When John (from a lower social position) visits the love of his life (from an affluent family), he encounters prejudice since the lady’s father disapproves of his love for her and instead looks for someone from their social class to love his daughter. Furthermore, John is not enlisted even though the commanding officers have instructed him to do so. This demonstrates...
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