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Theory and Practice of New Media

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Theory and Practice of New Media
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Theory and Practice of New Media
Executive summary
Technology has transformed the way society operates. Activism mainly occurred on the streets as individuals protested and aired their grievances in the past. With the advancement of the Internet, activism has been enhanced. Individuals can rally for support online for a particular cause. Social media platforms have become an effective way of spreading information and forming coalitions. Activists can mobilize for support and raise funds necessary to support their activities. Internet media continues to empower societies to advocate for change from any part of the world. Individuals can take advantage of their followership to start conversations aimed at social change. In addition to taking to the streets, people have the power to demand justice using their computers and mobile phones.
Deconstructed literature review
Article 1
1. Article/Book
Eubanks, V. (2012). Digital dead end: Fighting for social justice in the information age. MIT Press.
2. How is it a scholarly source?
* A university press, MIT, publishes the book
* The author, Virginia Eubanks, is a political scientist and an associate professor at The State University of New York
* The language is meant for individuals with specific knowledge of technology
3. Research Question
* Demonstrate how to use technology to fight social injustices
* The importance of information in activism
4. Research methodology
The book uses a quantitative approach where the author uses existing statistical data
5. Summary of findings
* The societal injustices need a new approach in dealing with them
* High-end technology is critical in the fight for equal rights for all individuals.
* The Internet media, especially social media, creates a pathway for disseminating information to a larger population.
Article 2
1. Article/Book
Rattan A., & Brands R. (2020, July 13). Use your social network as a tool for social justice.Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2020/07/use-your-social-network-as-a-tool-forsocial-justice
2. How is it a scholarly source?
* The names of the authors are provided. Aneeta Rattan is an Associate Professor at London Business School. Raina Brands is an Associate Professor, UCL
* The article is published by Harvard Business Publishing, which is a subsidiary of Harvard University
* The article has links to credible sources
3. Research Question
* How the Internet can be used to fight for equal rights for all people
* Techniques to call for justice
* How the Internet has transformed the traditional perceptions of civil protests
4. Research methodology
The article employs participant observation and the use of existing statistical data
5. Summary of findings
* The influence of social media users goes beyond the close circle of people one does not know.
* The death of Floyd birthed the Black Lives Movement, which was chaired from social media with hashtags evident in every internet media
* The Internet empowers the affected individuals in the community to fight for their rights
Article 3
1. Article/Book
Stephen, B. (2015, October 21). How Black Lives Matter uses social media to fight the power. Wired. /2015/10/how-black-lives-matter-uses-social-media-to-fight-thepower/
2. How is it a scholarly source?
* The author, Bijan Stephen, is a frequent columnist who writes on issues affecting society
* The article attempts to bias the reader but does so objectively
* The publisher is WIRED, a magazine that focuses on politics, economy, and emerging technologies
3. Research Question
* The Internet is the new means for fighting injustice
* It is easier to fight for activists today because of the Internet than before
4. Research methodology
The author uses data and information derived from other secondary sources
5. Summary of findings
* There has been a change in the fight for racial injustices since the 1960s
* When there are demonstrations, law enforcement agents use excessive force against demonstrators
* The Internet provides a more efficient way of fighting racial injustices
Article 4
1. Article/Book
Oosterlaken, I. (2012). The capability approach, technology, and design: Taking stock and looking ahead. In The capability approach, technology and innovation (pp. 3-26). Springer, Dordrecht.
2. How is it a scholarly source?
* The publisher is Springer, which is a credible publisher of books and peer-reviewed journals
* Both editors are affiliated to the Philosophy section, Faculty of TPM, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
* The content is meant for individuals who have an understanding of justice, equality, and technology
3. Research Question
* What are the capabilities of technology?
* Are there dangers of using technology for activism?
4. Research methodology
The journal article uses a literature review approach to obtain data from other sources
5. Summary of findings
* Technology has become part of society
* It is critical to understand the technology and how it has transformed society through enhancing activism
* There are, however, dangers to technology that may adversely affect activism
Article 5
1. Article/Book
Ovide S. (2020, December 17). How social media has changed civil rights protests. The New York Times. /2020/06/18/technology/social-media-protests.html
2. How is it a scholarly source?
* The publisher is the New York Times, which is a credible site
* The author, Shira Ovide, is a columnist covering technological issues and how they affect society. She has reported for the Wall Street Journal and currently works with Bloomberg
* The information in the article is not biased
3. Research Question
* Digital media has facilitated the fight for equality
* Through technology, activists can call for demonstrations without needing to announce to the traditional media like television
4. Research methodology
The article uses data collected from other sources
5. Summary of findings
* Individuals need to recognize the power of technology
* It is possible to capitalize on social media to bring change
* Individuals need to realize that social media is a powerful tool at their disposal
Article 6
1. Article/Book
Khamis, S., & Vaughn, K. (2012). 'We are all Khaled Said': The potentials and limitations of cyberactivism in triggering public mobilization and promoting political change. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 4(2-3), 145-163.
2. How is it a scholarly source?
* The publisher is a scholarly organization
* The professional qualifications of the authors are provided. Sahar Khamis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University...
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