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The Social Media Networking

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Social Media Networking
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1 Why can short videos stand out among many self-publishing media and how are short videos successful?
2 Why to be an influencer- The short video platform has created influencers and realized a mutually beneficial relationship. Why more and more people are willing to become influencer nowadays
3 Compare with central/eastern europe influencer– the type of content/ the image of images/ how they achieve realization of cash/how they different from chinese influencer
4 Conclusion:Outlook for the future / Too much competition / Content quality improving / Increasing challenges
Social Media Networking
In an era where self-publishing permeates people’s lives, TikTok has taken the world by storm. The app that allows people to share videos on whichever topic they would like continues to find its way into people’s phones all over the world. During the height of COVID-19, TikTok gained a lot of popularity among different age groups. With all the measures, rules, and regulations on movement, people were looking for ways to spend their time while indoors, and social media platforms like TikTok provided the much-needed platform. The popularity of TikTok has attracted a large group of young people in the world who have the time, energy, and content to keep publishing content on a daily basis. In China, the app continues to rise in popularity, with more downloads being reported every quarter. Provided herein is a discussion of why TikTok has become one of the most successful apps in the world, how China is fairing on with its use, and the uptake of the app in Central and Eastern Europe.
Desire for a Better Life: The Main Theme of Chinese People’s Life Today
At every instance in life, people desire what they do not have. A person who does not have a car desires one. The one with the car desires a better car or desires to fly. The one flying with a high-end car desires something more than another person has. The cycle in life is endless, and TikTok has taken advantage of humanity’s desire for more. TikTok has tried to seize or take advantage of the main contradiction of the current society - the people’s desire for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficient development. People who have already achieved a well-off life are happy to share their good life, but more people who are still not living a good life are aspiring to this life. TikTok gifts people the opportunity to record their lives, but as per their slogan, their main target is the good side of life: “Record the good life.” So, why not share the good life? Like any app, TikTok understands people’s psychology and thus is trying to take advantage of the same, and as the statistics indicate, most of the users are still viewers rather than creators. However, the recording of good lives happens to make people live with desires for more. The implication of the above or the negative side of the above is that more people are stressed and uncomfortable with their current lives and live in aspiration of another ‘good’ and ‘better’ life.
Solve the Pain Point of Today’s Youth Time Fragmentation
Time fragmentation has also played a big role in how people approach different things today. Unlike before, people do not have to increasingly worry about war, hunger, diseases, survival, etc. The most important things to think about or consider today are how to run our lives and stay up-to-date or current on matters of the world. Nowadays, people spend a lot of time thinking of choices like what to eat for breakfast, which of these clothes is better, and every rational choice means the loss of time. As these demands increase or the need for more choices increases, the higher one’s quality of life and the more time is invested. With fragmentation comes different sections or fragments or spaces to spare, which are what many social media platforms like TikTok take advantage of. TikTok launched a 15-second short video on the basis of this is to solve the fragmentation of young people’s time. Tiktok also has a direct play function, and unlike other short video software that requires a click to play, direct play allows users to reduce the cost of access to content. The full screen allows users to immerse themselves in the content in the shortest possible time without being affected by other things. There are also left slide, right slide, slide up, and slide down. These designs are centered around allowing users to the fastest time smallest operating costs. To put it bluntly, they are worried about your lack of patience to let you play with a sense of pleasure. Furthermore, one does not need an account or to register to be able to use TikTok. One does not need an account to access the content.
Seize the Core Competitiveness of Short Video + Content
People have become quite impatient lately. People do not want to read books or an entire article, and therefore, prefer to read summaries, watch short videos, and find content that does not take much of their time. Tiktok video clinging to the word “beautiful,” from the technical means of video clarity to the extreme, and relying on the headlines large algorithm and human intervention means to meet the conditions of the video issued to the user’s cell phone. There are pretty girls and hot guys, there is also knowledge of humanities and social sciences, and there is also a high-fashion imitation show. The message here is that the videos are tailored to their individual needs. The app’s approach means that it caters to not only people’s aspirations and desires but also tries to appeal to the emotional side of users.
Excellent User Experience
TikTok also offers users a great experience. One does not need any technical experience to shoot whichever content they want. The features of slide up, slide down, slide left, and slide right to replace the page content are quite easy and make the experience less tasking. The sliding interaction design is quite fluid and helps to make the replacement of conten...
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