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Space and Place in Human Communication

Essay Instructions:

Write a critical, analytic essay of 6 to 7 pages based on one of the following prompts.

A. What are some of the characteristics of urban space and experience, as explored by the texts we have read? And how does this space affect the character of the human communication that takes place within it? Are there forms of interaction that seem difficult or impossible to conceive outside of an urban setting–and how necessary is it to account for the urban setting in explaining an interaction? You can draw on a range of readings (at least two) from Week 6 of the course onward to build your argument.

B. What are some of the ethical considerations to be taken into account when conducting observational research of human behavior? And how do different authors manage the ethical question, whether they address it explicitly or not? What kind of tensions arise between the need to know and the imperative to maintain privacy, and how might this affect the character of the research in its final written form? You can draw on a range of readings (at least two) from Week 6 of the course onward to build your argument.

C. Perform a close reading of Roger Mais’ novel Brother Man (1954) in light of the concepts covered in this course. Try to take into account such things as the structure of the narrative, the nature of the settings, the characterizations, and figures of speech or rhetoric. How is the space of the yard developed or unfolded, and what kind of frame does it provide for interaction? Your analysis should draw as well on what you have learned about the urban space of Kingston from our other readings in Jamaican sociology.

Criteria. This paper is worth 25% of the final grade. Truly excellent papers will display a clear organization of ideas; demonstrate adequate understanding of the texts discussed; use direct quotations from the texts effectively; balance these quotations with summary and paraphrase in one’s own words; make original connections across texts; use, when appropriate, original examples and figures of speech; be concise and direct and “to the point” while still going deeply into the ramifications of complex concepts; have a minimum of grammatical, spelling or other errors.

Formatting. Please make sure your paper is double spaced with 1” margins on all sides, in size 12 font (something standard like Times New Roman), with your name, the date, the course, and a title at the top (single space these; the title can just be “Prompt A” or “Prompt B”), with pages numbered and stapled at corner. Use short form, parenthetical citations in MLA style, e.g. (Young 45) or just (45) if referring to the same text several times in a row. A separate Works Cited page is unnecessary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Number
Space and Place in Human Communication
Prompt A
One of the characteristics of urban spaces and experiences is high density. According to Park and Burgess (p.54), cities are characterized by a great flow of people into urban spaces, contributing to increasing population growth. Therefore, cities have large, high-concentrated communities compared to rural areas. In addition, urban spaces attract many people and items due to the monetary aspects associated with cities. According to Simmel (p.353), metropolitan cities are the centers for money exchange formed through a money economy. They have a high concentration on not only men but also items for purchase. Urban spaces attract people from rural areas who are interested in participating in the money economy. Brodber (p.16) reveals that historically, people have traveled to the city to sell their labor and farm produce. Some seek temporary accommodation in cities, while others become long-term city dwellers. Ultimately, this migration of rural dwellers to urban cities has contributed to the high density of people in urban spaces.
The second characteristic of urban spaces and experiences is heterogeneity. According to Park and Burgess (p.56), cities are differentiated based on income levels or social classes, economic division of labor, and cultural groups. All these groups subscribe to different patterns of life or lifestyles, making the city a dwelling place for diverse people. The urban experiences are also different for these different groups of city dwellers. For example, income levels determine where people will live in the city. Those of low income are likely to live in slums, as Brodber (p.4) demonstrated in the exploration of Jamaican yards.
The third characteristic of urban spaces and experiences is that they lack intimacy. The relationships of urban dwellers are impersonal in most cases, and as Simmel (p351) indicates, they only interact with others out of social obligations. It is unlikely for urban spaces to provide personal, intimate relationships because people interact out of necessity to achieve their own different interests.
The impersonal nature of urban spaces also influences human communication. Because of the interrelatedness of the urban lie and the desire to meet diverse needs, communication is necessary. Park and Burgess (p.53) indicate that city dwellers share certain basic amenities, and as such, they must rely on communal existence. They use human communication to create a sense of cooperation even when their interactions are impersonal. In addition, the money aspect of urban spaces and experiences influences the way human beings communicate. According to Simmel (p351), urban dwellers have a matter-of-fact attitude, which is “obviously so intimately interrelated with the money economy.” As such, the money economy in urban spaces promotes a matter-of-fact attitude in the interactions among urban dwellers. Communication is formal and often presented as a matter of fact because everyone is focused on serving their interests. However, even in this matter-of-factness, there is some degree of interrelatedness to achieve these personal interests.
Since urban spaces and experiences are characterized by diversity, the interaction between people who are quite different from each other is common. However, this form of interaction seems difficult to conceive in a non-urban setting because of the lack of such heterogeneity. In urban environments, people of diverse economic, social, and cultural backgrounds (Park and Burgess, p.56) must interact to maintain some form of order. However, this kind of interaction is impossible in non-urban settings because, in more ways than not, dwellers of non-urban locations are homogenous. When explaining an interaction, it is essential to account for the urban environment because of the diverse nature of urban dwellers. Urban environments are also characterized by impersonal interactions, which should be considered while explaining an interaction.
Prompt B
When conducting observational research on human behavior, researchers and authors must remember some ethical considerations to preserve human dignity and basic human rights. The first ethical consideration is the participants' privacy. Since researchers and authors in observational research are focused on observing and recording the behavior and activities of the participants, it is imperative for them to assure the participant that their privacy will not be breached. However, as Simpson and Kline (p513) note, when the goal of the research is observation, the invasion of privacy is often necessary. Observation requires the researcher or author to have an intimate and invasive relationship with the person being observed. This makes it difficult for the author to maintain pr...
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