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Social Media Post on Gender

Essay Instructions:

Case study analysis 30% (individual)

1250 words +/- 10%, excluding references

For this assignment, you will choose a social media post, event, incident, trend or campaign from one of your own social media feeds that connects to at least one of the topics from Weeks 1 - 5 (platformisation, gender, race, disability and activism). You will conduct a case study analysis of the chosen social media phenomenon, considering issues of diversity, inclusion and harm.

For the assignment you must:

Choose a social media post, event, incident, trend or campaign from one of your own social media feeds that connects to at least one of the topics from Weeks 1-5 of the unit.

Conduct research on the chosen social media phenomenon, considering the following:

Research on social media and digitally situated cultural production (such as scholarly papers, including unit readings)

Research diversity, inclusion and harms online (such as scholarly paper including unit readings, research reports, and other high-quality informal sources).

How does this case align or misalign with this research and scholarship?

What new insights can your research add to this discussion/debate?

Include original empirical evidence of your case study, for example, annotated screenshots.

Write in an academic tone, structured to include an introduction, body and conclusion, and use APA style referencing.

Submit via Turnitin as a word or pdf file.

Note: Any use of AI softwares need to be acknowledged in the assignment, this also applies to spell checking services such as Grammarly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study Analysis: Gender
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Table of Contents Introduction. 3 Social Media and Digitally Situated Cultural Production. 3 Diversity, Inclusion, and Harms Online. 4 Case and Research. 5 Conclusion. 6 Annotated Social Post 7 References. 8   Introduction
Scarlett Johansson's experiences with sexism and inappropriate questions in the media are highlighted in the social media post. By highlighting numerous instances in which Johansson was the target of gender-biased questions, the content emphasizes the pervasive problem of women being reduced to their appearances and stereotyped roles, especially in the spotlight. Johansson's responses highlight the need for a change in perspective and push for acknowledgment of women's achievements beyond physical attractiveness. The analysis indicates the need for more awareness and change and a persistent gender gap in media interactions (YouTube, 2019). This occurrence reflects prominent study trends that examine systemic gender inequities in media representation and the subtle but persistent ways that women are stereotyped and treated differently than men. The paper highlights that campaign through the social media phenomenon with research.
Social Media and Digitally Situated Cultural Production
A wide range of opportunities for self-expression and self-enterprise have been made available by the growth of digital platforms, mainly social media. Duffy and Pruchniewska (2017) pointed out that despite the internet's revolutionary potential, it only mirrors the offline world's entrenched structural disparities. The inquiry posed to the female celebrity regarding her ability to manage multiple responsibilities, followed by her critique of its implicit gender bias, exemplifies the enduring influence of societal norms and prejudices, even in contemporary society. This conflict is encapsulated in the term "digital double bind."This dilemma shows up in three ways: soft self-promotion, where women are expected to exhibit themselves naturally; interactive closeness, which calls for relational practices and frequently emotional labor; and forced visibility, the demand to make one's private life public. Unfortunately, this reinforces the myth that women are less valuable or essential to business, undermining their potential and achievements.
The social media post featuring the female celebrity's response to the reporter becomes even more relevant when one considers the thorough investigation of how celebrities use Instagram for feminist advocacy. Celebrities on social media sites like Instagram play a critical role in exposing and challenging ingrained biases in the contemporary era of digital advocacy. Johansson's responses perfectly capture the media's current inequalities, highlighting the difficulties faced by women in the spotlight. According to Zalm (2021), this post is a powerful example of the ongoing subtle biases and microaggressions. She rejects discrimination and calls for equality in the treatment and perception of male and female celebrities in her response. Such posts act as educational resources and amplify the message when shared and discussed on social media sites like Instagram. The article explains that celebrities can influence discourse, spread knowledge, and encourage change. When this specific post is shared on a social media platform such as Instagram, it can generate numerous discussions, educational narratives, video clips, and other content on the subject matter. Correspondingly, the post transcends its initial intent to be merely a statement to become a call to action, a critique of the status quo, and an opportunity for learning that embodies the influence of celebrities in the digital age.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Harms Online
The media format and online gender biases towards female celebrities and public figures highlighted the need for an inclusive attitude from the journalist. Asr et al. (2021) change the subject to media representation and concentrate on the apparent gender imbalance in media stories. Statistics show that women's representation has been advancing painfully slowly, making the underrepresentation of women's voices in mainstream media a severe concern. Despite comprising half the global population, women's perspectives, experiences, and voices remain predominantly margin...
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