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SMART Goals for the Coca-Cola IMC Campaign

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to develop marketing objectives and SMART goals for the IMC program you are creating for the organization you selected earlier in the term. 

Review the following Week 3 reading as a reference before starting this assignment:

Determining IMC Objectives

In a 2-3 page Word document (approx. 500 - 750 words), include the following information:

Select a Target Audience

Identify one target audience that you want to reach with your IMC campaign. The audience segment that you identify should be as specific as possible, based on the organization's overall goals. In your paper, include:

  • An overview of the target audience's relevant demographics (age, income level, geographic location, etc.) and psychographics (interests, attitudes, values, beliefs, etc.)
  • The types of media the audience uses and their media habits (how and why they use that type of media)
  • Explain why this is a relevant target audience for the organization
  • Describe the ideal outcome for your campaign: What do you want the audience to think, say, do, or feel as a result of your IMC campaign?

Determine Your IMC Campaign Objectives

Using the AIDA model (see the link at the top of this page as a reference/reminder about these concepts), outline one objective for each of the four stages described in the model (create a total of four objectives). When you create the objectives:

  • Be sure to create objectives that directly relate to your target audience
  • Go beyond the general objectives outlined in the article referenced above. For example, if brand awareness is an objective, specifically explain why it is important, and also explain why it is important for this particular target audience. Why do you want this audience to become aware of this brand? What do you want the audience to do after it becomes "aware" of the organization's brand? Be as detailed as possible in your objectives.

Create SMART Goals

For each of your four objectives, include one SMART goal that explains the ideal outcome (what you are hoping to accomplish) at each AIDA stage. Click on the link below for more information and guidance on creating SMART goals:

Creating SMART Goals

NOTE: Cite any sources you use, following APA Style (7th ed.).

There are two links in the requirements, so be sure to check them out before you start!!!
1.Determining IMC Objectives: https://www(dot)coursehero(dot)com/study-guides/marketing-spring2016/reading-determining-imc-objectives-and-approach/
2. Creating SMART Goals: https://blog(dot)hubspot(dot)com/marketing/marketing-objectives

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Coca Cola
Due Date
Coca Cola
Target Audience
The target audience for the IMC campaign is the male youth aged 10 to 19. This particular group of people is made up of Generation Z generations. The geographic location is the United States. The U.S. was selected because the country continues to showcase an increase in the rate of young men and women having diabetes. According to a report by the CDC (2021), there has been an increase in the number of youth living with diabetes in the U.S. Since 2001, the country has showcased a rise in the number of Gen Z members contracting and living with type 1 diabetes. The report indicates that the increase from 2001 to 2017 was 45%, while the statistics for type 2 diabetes increased by 95%.
This group is considered the first digital natives because they grew up in the age of the internet. Their interests mainly include gaming, music, sports, and watching, especially with the many streaming channels available. Further, this lot seeks independence early since they are financially minded and have numerous opportunities to make money using the internet. They are also wise consumers and demanding producers to get it right in their products.
Gen Z is heavily dependent on social media use, and their most preferred platforms include Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. They do not subscribe to traditional media consumption, where people used to wait for news to break.
For Coca-Cola, Gen Z members are a perfect audience for the organization. Having seen the danger and the increasing rate of diabetes in this particular group, Coca-Cola should consider enhancing their advertising efforts and the appeal of Coke Zero for this lot. As indicated, the significant majority of this lot sits for hours playing video games, and this is a detriment to their health. Therefore, Coca-Cola can find ways to enhance the consumption of Coke Zero for this group.
The ideal outcome for the campaign would be a surge in consumption of Coke Zero among Gen Z members. I would like Gen Z members to see the urgency and need to look aft...
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