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Reflection on Learning in Communication & Collaboration III: Influence and Persuasion

Essay Instructions:

Write a 3-4 page paper, single spaced 12 point font.
Have a cover page and a references page. - These two pages are not counted in the overall page count

Weighting: 70% of final grade:

Description of Assignment:

In this assignment, you will write a 3-4 page paper (1500-2000 words single spaced) reflecting on your learning in Communication & Collaboration III: Influence and Persuasio

In order to complete this, you will need to record and upload at least 2 interviews with people who are business professionals about their experiences leading teams. Please do not interview family members or anyone from Hult (that means students, faculty or staff).

Use the section topics listed below to come up with your interview questions.

Be sure to upload your interviews or share a link in the assignment.

These interviews will serve as an additional resource for you to reflect on your own development as a business professional. It is expected that you will incorporate the interviews in you paper in the form of referenced quotes or key insights. You will upload your interviews here.

In the paper there will be two main sections:

Section One - Reflection and Analysis

In Section 1, your paper should analyze and address each of the topics listed below.

Influence and Persuasion


2. Influence and Decision Making

3. Choice Architecture and Nudging

4. Dealing with Conflict

5. Persuasive Writing

6. Leading Without Force

In this section you will reflect on the course content and activities, your own person experience, any secondary research you have done on influence and persuasion as well as your primary research from interviewing 2 people who you see as influential and persuasive. Your analysis will highlight your most important insights and learning from the course and your own research efforts (secondary sources outside the required readings and the interviews you conduct).
Section 2

In Section 2, write your plan of action for growing your skills in each of the course content areas:

1. Persuasion

2. Influence and Decision Making

3. Choice Architecture and Nudging

4. Dealing with Conflict

5. Persuasive Writing

6. Leading Without Force

Your plans for development should include actions that are specific, measurable and help you build habits and practices for being successful as a team member and a team leader. Please identify a concrete first step that you will take in the next month for each area.

Strong papers will incorporate class content and preparation, your own experience, the insights you gained from your interviews and relevant references to secondary research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Learning in Communication & Collaboration III: Influence and Persuasion

Author’s Name

The Institutional Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor Name

Assignment Due Date

Section One: Reflection and Analysis


Regarding my understanding of persuasion in business communication and collaboration, persuasion is nothing but a set of relevant and appropriate arguments that can convince others to follow one's lead in a specific matter. This understanding of persuasion aligns with its standard definition, which describes persuasion as a skill or action meant to make someone believe in something or do something (Bovée, 2008). My understanding of persuasion also revealed that persuasion is a greater part of influencing people in various business domains, including marketing and sales, junior staff, and even superiors. The second interviewee was a renowned marketing professional who informed me about the valuable difference between persuasion and manipulation, as the former benefits all people. At the same time, the latter uplifts one person and downgrades the other.

Influence and Decision-making

Since I have understood the role of persuasion in increasing a business professional's sphere of influence, persuasion is strongly linked to shaping people's decision-making skills at individual and group levels. The first business professional also informed me about a critical aspect of persuasion: a confluence of different skills, including emotional intelligence, active listening, and productive negotiation. Therefore, I consider persuasion a necessity to influence people's decision-making. Scholars have identified various characteristics of an effective influencer, including identifying the interests of all stakeholders, tailoring the message to suit the needs of all listeners, and persuading influential fence-sitters (Bordone & Doktori, 2021). Thus, 

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