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Communications & Media
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Reading Response Communications & Media Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Please write a 300-word response for the literary reading or performance you attend. The goal of this response is to analyze the reading the way that we have been analyzing each written piece we come across. Pay attention to both the structure (how it was organized) and the content (what was read) of the reading. You should give me enough details so that I can imagine myself at the reading.

Some questions to consider for context: Who attended? Can you tell who organized the reading? How many minutes did each reader read? Did the reader preface the pieces? Was there a Q&A? How did you experience the pieces differently as a live reading or performance (as opposed to reading on the page)? Have you experienced a reading or performance like this before or is it very different from what you are familiar with? How does that impact how you experience the literary reading or performance? What are the advantages and challenges of this form of presentation? Consider how these details affected your experience at the reading.

The bulk of the reading response should be about the work that the reader(s) performed or presented. Make sure you include the names of the reader(s) and (if possible), the titles of the pieces they read. Also, briefly describe their reading style and whether it complemented or distracted from the work that they read. Please consider the context of the reader(s) and event(s) and what the event was trying to achieve. Using concrete examples, please highlight any other strengths and weaknesses of the writers/venue/work.

Finally, in your conclusion, connect these reflections to the craft conversations/critical discussions in our class. How do these writers compare to those we've read in class thus far? How do they use some of the craft elements in their work? What are some lessons you might consider from this reading (both strengths and drawbacks)?

Formatting Guidelines: Please make sure you put your full name in the upper-right corner of the page as well as page numbers. Your reading response should be saved as a Word, LibreOffice or PDF document.

If Dr. C is one of the readers/performers of the literary reading or performance, you may still write about the event, but focus on the other readers/performers.

If you are unsure about whether an event would count as a literary event or performance, please check in with Dr. C.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
House on Mango Street: Reading Response
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Reading Response
The literacy reading I attended was on the book "House on Mango Street," which was performed in an exhibition building used for art purposes in my neighborhood. The event was organized by a group of young students who specialize in reading books, poems and novels, acting plays, and other literary-related works. On this particular day, the group had planned that they would be performing in our neighborhood after requests by two colleges who had learned about them from the internet. The announcement of the literary reading event was announced through posters and advertisements through social media platforms. Upon learning of the event, I did begin making plans on how to attend it. Notably, the book's reading event happened in the evening given to ensure most people's availability.
The event was mainly attended by college and university students, but I could also spot some older people and some children. In essence, based on the people I talked to, most of the attendees were interested in art and literature concepts. As stated, the literary reading was done on the book "House on Mango Street." The number of readers involved in the3 literary reading was nine of them, four men and five ladies. Each reader would take about four minutes before being proceeded by the next reader during the reading event. Yeah, the audience was allowed to ask questions from the readers. In essence, there was a major difference between reading the book on my own and the experience I gained from attend...
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