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Research – The Effects of Social Media Usage in the Improvement of Individual Vocabulary and Individual Perception

Essay Instructions:

Please upload a document in .docx or .pdf format. Don't forget to swap you draft with your peer review partner.

§ First draft for peer-review [15%]

In this phase, you will be bringing together the prior phases of the project into a cohesive draft in the format of a very short journal article. Keep in mind the conception of the project is a pilot study that later would be able to be expandable into a full-scale project, such as for a conference presentation, major class project, or senior thesis, and so forth.

The write-up of the pilot study will begin with a brief introduction that summarizes the primary theme and/or motivating question/object of study in your project, the kind of data/observations that were/will be analyzed, and the primary results or findings that your data/observations seem to point to, or what you suspect you will find if you continue to analyze more of those data/observations.

A concise and explicit statement of your RQ(s) and hypothesis(-es). This should really only be one-three sentences for each.

Then, you will transition into your review of the literature in which you have summarized 3 academic sources. Recall that the information that this section contains should only be that which is directly relevant to the goals and objectives of your project, and you must summarize this information succinctly and in your own words.

Next, you will describe the methodology to be used and improved upon in the future, describing in detail the process of how the data are collected or observation are made, how they are analyzed to address your RQ and hypothesis, and then highlighting that process by showing examples of whatever the primary material is that your observing (speech, images, text, etc.).

Finally, you will conclude the pilot study report. You will describe how the pilot study could be expanded and improved upon to make it substantial enough to be accepted as a conference presentation, journal article, or senior thesis project. You will use what you learned while developing the pilot study to make an informed speculation as to what you suspect the main findings or contribution to the field of sociolinguistic (or adjacent fields) will be if were continued to expanding and refining the project.

The first draft of your pilot study project report should be structured in the following subsections consistent with the components described immediately above:


Review of the literature

RQ & hypothesis

Methods, data analysis with examples

Future directions and conclusions

References (in APA format)

All quotes and references to external research, writing, observations, slides, presentations, or any other author or researchers’ materials, etc., must be cited internally and in the final references section following APA format. If you’re not sure when to cite something, just cite to be safe. If you need help with any aspect of these feel free to consult me, the teaching assistant, or the UB Center for Excellence in Writing.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research – The Effects of Social Media Usage in the Improvement of Individual Vocabulary and Individual Perception
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor's Name
March 30, 2021
It is a well-established fact that human language and vocabulary can help shape the way people perceive their world. Several studies have shown that a culture's language and vocabulary can somehow influence how an individual would perceive his immediate environment, given that such languages are also merely derived through the constant interaction of humankind with its external environment CITATION Mad18 \l 1033 (Madhusoodanan, 2018). Nonetheless, as could be seen from the various 'ideoscapes' that are happening in this highly globalized and digitalized world, new pieces of information have become readily available for consumption for everyone CITATION App90 \l 1033 (Appadurai, 1990). With a single click of one's mobile device, he becomes aware of the culture, language, and even the vocabulary of societies living on the opposite side of the planet.
Accordingly, the author would like to focus this research on how constant exposure to social media can improve one's vocabulary and, ultimately, his perception of the external environment. To do this, the author would like to look for the 'top words or phrases that are trending in Twitter and conduct a survey that would measure the level of understanding and comprehension of users who have heard about the word as compared to those who find the word as 'foreign' or 'unfamiliar' in their lingua franca (native language).
Research Question and Hypothesis
Research Question
In line with this study's aims, this research's research question is; does the 'trending' nature of new words/terms/jargons in Twitter increase people's awareness about the 'unfamiliar word' and help shape their perception of their environment?
Research Hypothesis
Based on the research question posted above, the preliminary research hypothesis is as follows; The increase in viewership of Twitter contents improves awareness and knowledge about foreign word existence but does not increase its application in daily life.
Review of Literature
Social media is perhaps one of the most commonly used commodities in today's world. Whether it be in developed or developing countries because both accessibility of mobile devices and the internet has exponentially increased through th...
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