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Publications by Statistics Canada: Cancer in Canada

Essay Instructions:

In this introductory assignment, we’ll focus primarily on publications by Statistics Canada, the country’s statistics-gathering and disseminating agency.

The broad topics listed below are issues of public concern and have frequently been reported in the media. They also have a statistical or numerical dimension to them that is at the heart of the controversy. If we understand the numbers and statistics in the situation, we will have a better grasp of the issue itself. Select one of these topics. Then, by researching appropriate secondary sources—articles and, perhaps, web pages that contain statistical information and Statistics Canada secondary publications—narrow the topic to a researchable question. Then find relevant Statistics Canada studies that provide statistical information on the question.

Your goal is to find recent trends (over a period of up to five years) or comparisons between groups that bear on the question you are investigating. For example: Is Internet usage by younger people increasing or decreasing? Do British Columbians use the Internet more frequently than Quebeckers? Are university students falling deeper in debt? Is the incidence of cancer among children increasing or decreasing?

Finally, write up your findings in a report of no more than six pages, plus appendices and bibliography.

Broad Topics

information technology

film and video




There are four steps in this research. They are explained in detail in the Assignment Guide information.

Search the following databases and the Internet for articles with Canadian statistics on your broad topic. They will help you narrow it down.

CBCA Reference

Canadian Reference Centre

Canadian Newsstand

Search for specific Statistics Canada articles and basic statistics in the following sources. They will also help you narrow down your topic to a researchable question:

Canadian Social Trends

The Daily

Canada eBook

Find Statistics Canada publications through these resources.

Canadian Research Index

Statistics Canada Online Catalogue

Index of Downloadable Statistics Canada Publications

Scan the publications and Cansim time series you have found for relevant tables and text.

Note: Although some of your sources may be secondary (articles from newspapers, journals, The Daily, Canadian Social Trends), you must make use of at least one Statistics Canada online publication and one Cansim time series.


Your report should consist of the following elements.

Overview, introduction, and research question (3–4 paragraphs).

Discussion of major Statistics Canada publications you used in your report (1 page).

Findings, including discussions of tables (3–4 pages).

Conclusion (1–2 paragraphs).

Your tables must relate directly to your question, and you must refer to them and explain them in the text. Number and title the tables and provide them in an appendix.

Provide the most recent statistics relevant to your question that you can find.

You must also provide a list of references using APA style.

Write your report as if you have been selected to do this work by an activist association with an interest in the question. For instance, if you are writing about access to postsecondary education, your audience could be a student organization.

Stylistic Considerations


Double-space your work.

Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins all around.

Include a cover page.

Provide page numbers.

Do not write in point form.

Underline or italicize the names of all publications (newspapers, books, magazines).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cancer in Canada
Institution of affiliation
Cancer in Canada
Cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the body. It is caused by a genetic malfunction, where the cells information is altered resulting in the cells growing in a manner other than the normal one. Abnormal cell growth from cancer can spread to other parts of the body. Resulting is a cataclysmic cascade in the body functions. The symptoms of cancer include; lumps, weight loss, abnormal bleeding, etc. Over 100 cancer types plague the human species. Cancer occurs in stages, in the initial stages it is difficult to recognize and diagnose. It is therefore only diagnosed after it has metastasized throughout the body. Where it is difficult to treat and will often result in death. Most cancers are preventable, where leading a healthy and active lifestyle will counter their growth. Modern lifestyles globally, however, create the pristine conditions for growth of cancer.
The World Health Organization in 2012 reported 14 million new cases of cancer. 8.2 million Of which resulted in death. Cancer is, therefore, one of the leading global causes of human morbidity. Cancer levels are expected to rise by 70% by 2022 globally CITATION Wor15 \l 1033 (World Health Organization, 2015).
In Canada, 30.2% of deaths are as a direct result of cancer. Cancer is the single most potent cause of human morbidity. Lung, colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers are the most common cancers in Canada. The incidence of Cancer diagnosing in women is increasing in the coming years while decreasing for men. Though it is essential to note women are more likely to go for medical checkups CITATION Can17 \l 1033 (Canadian Cancer Society , 2017). In Canada, 25% of the population will die from Cancer. Cancer largely affects individuals above the age of 50 yearsCITATION Can1 \l 1033 (Canadian Cancer Society, 2016). Cancer levels in Canada and other member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries are expected to drop in coming years.
This paper, therefore, seeks to examine Cancer statistics in Canada. The paper will not limit itself to a singular demographic but will conduct an examination of the general population. The paper will seek to determine whether the incidence of mortality as a result of Cancer in the general population is on the rise or decline
Major Statistics Canada publications
In gathering data for this report; the paper researched both journals and databases. Journals were essential in providing information on Cancer statistics globally. They also provided information on Cancer diagnosis, prevalence and incidence globally. This allowed the paper to appreciate the growth of Cancer on a global scale as well, as placing it in the proper perspective internationally.
Databases were essential in proving key information regarding statistical data on Cancer in Canada. The databases used included; CBCA Reference, Canadian Reference Centre, and Canadian Newsstand. The CBCA has a large collection of scholarly article on the subject of cancer and the statistics of Cancer. The Canadian Newsstand had electronic files for all major and regional newspapers in Canada. Some of the newspapers contained include; The Globe and Mail, National Post, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, etc. The Canadian reference center contains Magazines, reference material, newswires, etc.
Tanya Navaneelan in Statistics Canada notes that Cancer diagnosis will increase in the next two decades. This is as a result of better diagnosis protocols, a more informed population and poor lifestyles. The article identifies Prostate cancer as the leading cancer in newly diagnosed cases. However, it causes the fewest amounts of deaths especially when diagnosed early and ameliorative measures are put in place. Lung Cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in Canada. Lung Cancer is caused primarily by smoking about 80-90%. Thus, there is a higher incidence of lung cancer in men than in women. However, lung cancer in women has been increasing because of differing societal attitudes towards women and smoking. Age increases the risk of cancer from 50 years with the peak age being 75 years CITATION Tan \l 1033 (Navaneelan & Janz, Cancer in Canada: Focus on Lung, Colorectal, Breast and Prostate).
Canadian Cancer Statistics in 2014 noted the increase in the number of incidences of skin cancer. Melanoma skin cancer is caused by overexposure to Ultra Violet light where individuals are doing increasing outdoor activities. However, their failure to utilize sunscreen with a rating of SP 15 and...
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