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COVID 19 Pandemic And Communication Between The Western And African Cultures

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Poor Communication
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Poor Communication
Communication is the basis of human understanding as it gives people the platform to agree, disagree or remain neutral. The difference in cultures affects the communication process. Cultures hold different values that might clash at some point, hence interfering with a communication process's quality. The current COVID 19 pandemic is an excellent example that demonstrates poor intercultural communication. African and Western cultures have had a different interpretations of the pandemic. This essay explores the poor intercultural communication between the Western and African cultures based on the current COVID 19 pandemic.
The western civilization has had a significant influence on the African culture because of the civilization, but the COVID 19 pandemic seems to interfere with the status quo. There has been poor communication agreement on the spread, prevention, and vaccination of the disease. The communication patterns active in this example are based on the difference in civilization and cultural beliefs. Civilization effects have had a mixed reception in the African continent, with most of them believing that Western influence is for individual benefits and not universal empowerment. For this reason, most parts of Africa think that the western world wants to take advantage of the COVID 19 epidemic to exploit them. Tanzania, an East African country, has held that it is COVID 19 free because God has intervened ("Coronavirus in Tanzania: The country that's rejecting the vaccine," 2021). According to John Pombe Maghufuli, the country's president, Tanzania has no coronavirus disease and urged people to continue their daily economic activities even when the rest of the world was under lockdown measures. Ataguba and Ataguba (2020) argue that risk communication is a crucial social determinant in developing countries containing the disease's spread. Nevertheless, this is not the case in most of these countries.
Western culture bases its communication mainly on proved facts and evidence from experiments. On the other hand, the African culture is less developed and depends on cultural and religious beliefs i...
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