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Midterm- Patriarchy Ideology: Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

“Upholding and/or Disrupting Systems of Domination/Oppression”

In our class meetings we have discussed the various ways someone’s identity (class, gender, race, sexuality, language, religion, etc.) impacts how society will treat and/or reward that individual. In particular, Harro (2013) argues that growing up we are un/intentionally socialized to believe in problematic ideologies that uphold systems of domination/oppression that further oppress people, especially those with marginalized identities (i.e. those who are not considered ‘normal’). The purpose of this midterm is for you to critically examine the various ways we, as a society, have been socialized to believe in a problematic ideology that upholds a system of domination/oppression (i.e. racism, white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, classism, sexism, ableism, etc.). Select an ordinary object, place, activity, TV show, movie, concept, song, video, and so forth, and analyze how this particular ‘thing’ plays an important role in perpetuating a problematic ideology that upholds a system(s) of domination/oppression. As part of your analysis, provide insights on what could have made this ‘thing’ a mechanism to disrupt/challenge the same system of domination/oppression it upheld.

You are required to include/cite at least 4 readings from our course in your analysis. You can also cite course presentations or non-assigned readings, but these will not count towards your 4 minimum citations. Please use the latest APA guidelines for citations.

Here are two websites to help you with citations. Check them out:

https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html (Links to an external site.)

http://www(dot)apastyle(dot)org/ (Links to an external site.)

Length: 4 to 5 pages double-spaced. 12pt font. 1 inch margins. Times New Roman or equivalent. Cover page or name does not count towards word/page count. Due Sunday, November 8th by 11:59pm.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Midterm- Patriarchy Ideology
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Midterm- Patriarchy Ideology
The socialization process has a significant impact on society’s practices, such as patriarchal domination and women’s subordination. Notably, sociologists and social scientists alike have explored the behavioral differences among men and women in society. Society enlightens children to behave following assigned gender. Therefore, gender socialization involves educating children and youths on the norms, values, and behaviors of a group membership. In most instances, the socialization process results in various forms of gendered stereotypes, such as men’s domination in society. If children fail to conform to society’s practices, their peers are likely to ostracize them for being different, which might affect their self-esteem. Double Indemnity (1944) is an ideal example of a film that portrays men’s domination and women’s subordination in society.
Patriarchy is one of the key obstacles to the advancement and development of women in various positions. Despite the variation in levels of domination, men have control based on their positions of power. During the socialization process, boys learn to dominate in society while girls know that they should be submissive, which results in patriarchal practices. Therefore, it is imperative to understand society’s systems that keep women in lower positions than men. However, patriarchy is the critical driver of the numerous obstacles that hinder women’s development. According to Yoon, Chang, and Adams (2020), men dominate public and private spheres. Considerably, men have power in all social institutions, thus depriving women of access to such violence. Patriarchy entails institutionalization and manifestation of male dominance over children and women as minority groups.
Besides, patriarchy implies that men are the sole decision-makers in both private and public realms. The practice describes an institutionalized system of domination of men over women. Patriarchy can entail a set of social relations between men and women, which have a hierarchical and independent base. On the contrary, women remain subordinate in a society based on societal practices. The film Double Indemnity reveals that women require women’s protection. Patriarchal ideology exaggerates biological variations between the two genders since women are subordinate (MacMurray & Stanwyck, 1944). In the film mentioned above, the relation between men and women reveals that patriarchal ideology is influential in that men can secure the apparent consent of women they meet. Men exercise their power over women through institutions, such as family, church, and schools, to reinforce women’s subordination. Considerably, competition, hierarchy, dominance, and power are the main characteristics of the patriarchal system. Based on the socialization process and social norms, men dominate, oppress, and exploit women.
Traditionalists perceive that men are born to dominate while women subordinate in the social realm. Based on their assumption, patriarchy has existed since historical times and will continue in the future. However, critics argue that patriarchy is a learned behavior subject to change after awareness creation (Yoon et al., 2020). Aristotle, a philosopher, propounded theories to argue that men are active while women are passive. As such, men are more superior to women in most societies. The socialization process is the key driver of social relations between men and women instead of biological factors. Although scholars are yet to prove scientific and historical evidence of male domination, women suffer disproportionately from men’s exploitation. Therefore, the subordination of women results from society’s practices and socialization process.
One of the critical aspects of women’s emancipation has been the search for social origins. However, it is vital to ...
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