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Meet TED

Essay Instructions:
Meet TED. Click here to access the TED website.Links to an external site. Perhaps you’ve met before? If not, let me be the first to introduce you: TED—which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design—is a non-profit organization aimed at sharing ideas that can help change the world for the better. TED primarily shares its ideas through TED talks: 3-30 minute video presentations, on topics ranging from theoretical physics, to education, modern music, street art and more, and all delivered by pioneers in their respective fields. If you have never seen a TED talk before, they’re informative, entertaining, engaging, often funny, passionate and across-the-board, well-worth watching, and not just because the ideas are fascinating but also because the presenters are amazing communicators, both verbally and nonverbally. So even if their facts and logic—their verbal communication so to speak—fail to convince you, their passion and body language—as in, their nonverbal communication—will, and that’s what we’ll be exploring in today’s assignment. Specifically, for today’s assignment, you’ll select one of the five TED Talks below, analyze the presenter’s nonverbal communication and answer the five questions further below. Again, YOU MUST keep in mind that you’re analyzing and evaluating the presenter’s nonverbal communication, not the Talk you watched or its topic; if you report solely on your Talk/topic and not the presenter’s nonverbal communication, you will not receive full credit for this assignment. It’s recommended that you view parts of your Talk with the sound off so that you are forced to solely focus on the nonverbal communication. Italy Talgam: Lead like the great conductors (how orchestral conductors communicate nonverbally)--if you choose this Talk, you are allowed/encouraged to discuss the conductors' nonverbal communication as well as the presenter's.Links to an external site. Sarah Kay: If I Should Have a DaughterLinks to an external site. Andrea Ghez: The Hunt for a Supermassive Black HoleLinks to an external site.Links to an external site. Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the CloudLinks to an external site. JR: Use Art to Turn the World Inside Out (warning: this video contains adult language)Links to an external site. Each of your answers, except #1, must be a minimum of five sentences in length; with question #1, simply provide all the requested information. Each answer should be typed in the same word processing document using Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spacing. What TED Talk did you analyze? Provide the Talk’s title, topic, presenter’s name and link When you seek to analyze a person’s nonverbal communication, what aspects of their communication should you be observing and evaluating? What are you looking for? What are you listening for (if anything)? What human behaviors, or certain aspects of behaviors, fall within the category of nonverbal communication? Try to think of and explain at least five different behaviors. How did the presenter’s use of nonverbal communication enhance his/her message? In what ways were you and the audience additionally swayed because of presenter’s nonverbal communication? Or, conversely, did the presenter exhibit bad nonverbal communication tendencies that detracted from his/her message? Provide specific examples. What did you feel had more of an impact: the presenter’s body language and nonverbal communication, or the tone of his/her voice? Granted, vocal tone is just one aspect of verbal communication, but can it in itself be more powerful than all forms of nonverbal communication combined? What did you observe? What do you think is generally the case? How much of the presenter’s nonverbal communication do you think was intentional? How much do you think was unintentional and simply a product of the presenter’s passion and expertise? What do you think this says about nonverbal communication in general? Once you have answered all the above questions in a single word processing document, give your document a standard academic heading (your name, instructor's name, course code and title, date), review your work for spelling and grammar mistakes, and then submit it to the assignment dropbox below.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Meet TED Author’s Name: Institution of Affiliation: Course Name: Instructor’s Name: Date: Meet TED I analyzed "If I Should Have a Daughter...” by Sarah Kay. Sarah was talking about her journey to becoming a spoken word poet and the fears that most people have about becoming a spoken word poet. This is the link https://www.ted.com/talks/sarah_kay_if_i_should_have_a_daughter?language=en When analyzing an individual's nonverbal communication, there are various aspects a person can focus on. However, despite many aspects, I usually focus on facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, body movement, and posture. Similarly, I listen to the person's voice since it helps me to look at how loud the person speaks and the tone of the speech. Different behaviors fall in the category of nonverbal communication. For example, when talking to others, some people use facial expressions such as smiles, grimaces, or frowns to express happiness, anger, sadness, or fear. Other individuals use gestures such as pointing, waving, or giving a thumbs up to show satisfaction or a thumbs down to show dissatisfaction. Other people change their voices to be loud or use different tones to express their feelings. Others use eye contact to communicate, such as to show ...
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