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Media and Popular Cultures: New Media and Artificial Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

Write a 6-8 page double-spaced (1,500-2,000 words) research paper on a topic related to media and popular cultures as we have explored the subject area in the course. Students have a great deal of autonomy in selecting the topic and focus of your research, provided that the topic justifiably relates to media and popular culture. The paper should meet

the following requirements:

1. 6-8 pages double-spaced (1,500-2,000 words)

2. Use of at least one primary source. The primary source should be a media text, which can take many forms. Some forms include digital media (social media posts, YouTube videos, user-generated content, etc.), popular publications, films, television shows, fandoms, advertisements, and popular consumer products, among other things. Feel free to be creative. The primary source should function as evidence for your argument. If you have questions about whether or not a primary source is suitable for the term paper, reach out to the instructor.

3. Use of at least 5 secondary sources. Secondary sources are scholarly articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals or scholarly books published by academic presses. Make sure that the secondary sources are well-chosen, which means that students do not merely cite a source to support a claim, but more deeply engage the sources to advance our understanding of the research topic or primary source.

4. The paper should be written according to scholarly conventions of writing. It should include: Introduction ending with thesis statement; body paragraphs with topic sentences that advance the argument; a conclusion.

I will provide some sources and a "proposal" which theme is related to the paper, plz do the paper according to the "proposal"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

New Media and Artificial Intelligence
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New Media and Artificial Intelligence
The multimedia and digital forms of communication on computer systems, such as desktops and laptops and smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets, are collectively referred to as new media. User interaction has been included in new media instead of just passive media consumption. The audience's preferences can be catered for in new media, which only sporadically links between different kinds of content. It incorporates new media technologies, new ways for people to utilize and engage with media texts, and new media communication techniques (Osgerby, 2004). The film "Her" has significantly impacted how people interact socially, how the media portrays people and other topics covered in this study. In a subtle reference to the intimate relationship between contemporary human civilization and digital media, the movie depicts the emotional tale of a man and artificial intelligence. The movie wants to provoke viewers' attention-grabbing questions, such as criticizing our reliance on digital media and how lonely we all feel today. The study explores the complexity, interaction impact, and monitoring of the relationship between digital media and human beings by analyzing the film ‘her.’
Human beings and artificial intelligence can have emotional relationships as well as entanglement. Machine-mediated types of interaction have significantly depersonalized how humans communicate in the twenty-first century. A recent movie titled "Her" delves into this subject. The film addresses the extent to which technology may offer comforting security while inadvertently promoting self-alienation and interpersonal conflict. It recounts the tale of a male character who develops feelings for a computer operating system with a female voice and persona. A man who periodically assumes the form of a computer and an operating system that assumes the form of a genuine woman are the subjects of the poignant love drama "Her" (Gossett, 2018). Theodore Twombly, the main character in the film "Her," is a lonesome, introverted person who works for a company that composes authentic, emotional messages for those unable or unwilling to compose messages of a personal nature. Theodore devotes most of his free time to his house, enjoying a 3D video game displayed in the living area to achieve what he failed to accomplish in the general public: explore and engage with people. It is similar to a hermit in real life who constructs a different character with which to use online. Theodore eventually decides to buy a recently developed operating system to help him deal with his feelings of isolation and despair (he is going through an untimely divorce at the same time). Ironically, Theodore cannot change and grow, unlike the OS he finds love in, which is worth highlighting. Theodore finds solace and, subsequently, love in a computer program named Samantha rather than confronting the shifting and difficult situations in his personal life.
In a society where technological influence seems more pervasive than human autonomy, technological applications with seemingly human characteristics have a role. One of Samantha's altering characteristics is one of the most notable features of the film since, in addition to escalating the romantic tension among the two leads, it also emphasizes the enormously potent but morally contentious role that artificial intelligence programs play in contemporary society. Beyond simply being a slow-moving love story centered on the flaws of a melancholy introverted person, the movie "Her" explores the function AI programs with what appear to be human traits play in a society where human autonomy appears to be supplanted by the pervasive impact of technology. Her presents an original perspective on artificial intelligence (Gossett, 2018). The movie encourages the audience to embrace artificial intelligence as an intelligent, living being comparable to humans instead of limiting it to a ridiculous, unconscious, unreal, or harmful force. The film manages to blur the lines between computers and humans. The film Her highlights general concerns about the foundations of human consciousness and directly challenges viewers to ask whether Samantha's operating system is just an "it" or a "her." Her examines important issues troubling theorists, computer scientists, and AI engineers, among others, in a Hollywood digital manner.
Artificial intelligence cannot replace human relationships and their interactions. Artificial Intelligence is not emotionally intelligent or capable of empathy. While AI can recognize and analyze emotions, it cannot completely comprehend or meaningfully react to them. It shows that AI cannot replace social relationships and interpersonal connections since they involve an in-depth recognition of human motivations and emotions (Samani & Saadatian, 2012). As a result, even while AI has many potential uses, it is crucial to remember that technology cannot replace human intelligence, sympathy, or originality. Although AI has made great strides and has many potential applications, it is vital to remember that it has some limitations. The fact that artificial intelligence is only as effective as the data it is trained on is a significant restriction. The artificial intelligence system will incorporate presumptions and restrictions for inaccurate or insufficient data. A person's voice t...
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