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Media Effects Case Studies

Essay Instructions:

Week Four: Media Effects Case Study

Locate a recent online edition of the publication your team has selected. (forbes)


 Next, write a 525- to 700-word response that addresses the following questions:

  • What does the magazine’s description tell you about its intended audience(s)?

  • Who is/are the audience(s) for this publication?

  • What types of messages are presented within the magazine?

  • What techniques are being used to attract the intended audience’s attention?

  • What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in the message?

  • How might different people understand the messages within this publication differently from one another?

  • What is omitted from the messages within this publication?

In responding to these questions, please include sources gleaned from the Annotated Bibliography from Week Three.  (Included)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media Effects Case Studies: Forbes
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Media Effects Case Studies: Forbes
Forbes is a global media company that deals with both print and digital media. It majors in finance, business, technology, and politics. This study highlights the effects of Forbes, as a media outlet, in society.
What does the Magazine’s Description say about its Intended Audience?
Forbes Magazine focuses on technology, business, entrepreneurship, lifestyle, investing, and leadership. Its target audience is visionary and development-oriented. It also indicates that the target audience has the potential for tremendous development. Research has shown that media offers the opportunity for friendship, creativity, and love (Saran, 2020). Forbes is in existence due to these opportunities.
Who is the Audience for this Publication?
Forbes is an American financial magazine. It is published bi-weekly and primarily focuses on development in the technological, business, innovation, and political spheres. Its key audience includes high-net-worth investors and buyers, tech decision-makers, politicians, and entrepreneurs. However, it also has stories on women under 30 years and ordinary business owners. Therefore, it is imperative to say that the target audience of Forbes is diversified.
Types of Messages that are Presented Within this Magazine
Forbes features news and articles on innovation, billionaires, leadership, and other industry and consumer topics. It majorly deals with business and financial developments and technological advancements in the various realms of life. The magazine is best known for its factuality and engaging coverage of matters that pertain to finance, investments, politics, and tech milestones. Thus, it has earned a faithful following of influential people in the majority of industries.
Techniques that are Being used to Attract the Attention of the Intended Audience
Attention is a valuable resource (Stroud, 2017). A variety of techniques are used to capture the attention of the audience in this publication. Forbes has captivating headlines are which are framed in a way that is shocking, surprising, and unexpected. Moreover, the articles are exciting as contributors combine facts and storytelling in their presentations. Furthermore, the magazine uses images, ...
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