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Communications & Media
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Communications and Media

Essay Instructions:
This is the guideline for the essay! Pick one major communications corporation (CBS, News Corporation, Time Warner, Disney, NBC-Universal, Comcast, Sony etc.) and trace its development and growth from its early years through its current incarnation(s). Questions For Consideration: ?Who were the individuals (visionaries and villains) who were responsible for the creation of the organization? (E.g., John Malone, Ted Turner, Jerry Levin, Sumner Redstone, to name a few. DO NOT choose Rupert Murdoch as we have already done a great deal on him.) ?How important was the individual leadership? ?How did mergers and partnerships of the organization (including its strategic thinking) influence the entity and the overall media environment? ? At each step, how did the entity react and interact with regulatory influences, competitors and their consumers? ? How (if at all) did the various transitions of the entity influence popular media consumption? ? What ethical challenges did the corporations face during the different stages of their evolution? Topic for Major Essay! Describe the development and growth on one of the major communication corporations. Analyze its evolution from its early years to its current state. You may focus on individual leadership, mergers and partnerships, regulatory environment, its relationship to other media and to popular media consumption, or ethical questions, or any combination of these, as appropriate. The result will be a 1000-1,200 word analytical profile of the major corporation you have chosen. Comments on Methodology: Research the corporation methodically: begin with a general encyclopedia (even Wikipedia) account; then use Google or Yahoo! or Alta Vista - whatever flavor - to get a sense of current controversies, what about the corporation concerns people and the corporation itself; and then (MOST IMPORTANT) go to a Journal Index for articles -- use Academic Search Premier, or JSTOR, or Communication & Mass Media Complete, or MasterFILE Premier, or whatever index you are familiar with (full text, of course). ?Be careful to keep track of which materials you get from which sources; keep your summary notes distinct from paraphrase from quotations; keep your own thoughts and drafts in a separate file. ?As you write, keep a list of the Sources Used, and provide that list (in complete format, you choose your style) at the end of the draft and the essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Communications and Media
WCBS Broadcasting Inc. is a well known television network in the United States of America which stated as a radio network. Initially the network was called the "Tiffany Networks." The organization was founded by William S. Paley in 1928. By then the United Independent Broadcasting Inc. had a collection of 16 radio stations that were sold to William Paley who then changed the name to Columbia Broadcasting System. Under the guidance of Paley CBS became the largest radio broadcasting network in the US and one of the three biggest American broadcast television networks. In 1995 the Westinghouse Electric Corporation bought CBS Inc. from Paley and hence adopted the name CBS Corporation (Kisseloff, 2005).
Paley was genius and innovative and he understood the importance of good programming as a key to selling advertising time. This art of programming came with huge profits both to the network and to other affiliate owners. He completely changed the broadcasting`s advertisement model by developing both money-spinning programs and viewing the sponsor (advertisers) to be a vital element in broadcasting (Matusow, 2004). With a massive financial base he managed to drive forward the television industry CBS in particular. He also understood that pooling together the small chains stations of CBS was key to creating a world class television broadcasting corporation. During his time he was described as one with uncanny sense of popular taste, he exploited this insight to come up with the CBS network. He also understood the desire of Americans to be informed of the happenings across the world especially the coming of the world war (Smith, 1990). He built CBS news division which came to be a dominant force similar to the network`s entertainment division. Paley was the heart of NBS`s television broadcasting, through his maneuvers, after the World War II NBS television broadcasting boomed surpassing radio broadcasting. He completely personified the control and vision of images in network television.
Before CBS integrated into what it is today it evolved by partnering with other broadcasters with an aim of becoming the world profound television broadcasting network. As early as 1927 WABC the network`s the broadcasted at a frequency of 860 kHz. In 1946 WABS was renamed to WCBS with an improved frequency of 880 kHz. During this time, CBS`s programming was initiated and other stations like KNXL Loss Angels, WBBM Chicago, KCBS San Francisco (KQW), and WJSV Washington merged with CBS. The main aim of CBS merging with all these networks was to increase their catchment area thus reaching may people (Robinson, 2001).
At the time of inception, professionalism of CBS founders made it an ideal credit company providing timely and objective credit services and information on consumer and corporate clients. The superb plans of reaching out to organizations through providing advance credits to made CBS succeed. Another area they are credited with is the efficient vetting procedures they used that covered a wide range of its clients. This process was done with positive expert attention that appealed to many service seekers to turn up. CBS efficiency is vested on the credit management CCVR department that upholds clear workmanship to post-paid stock of clients. This department also plays a key role of storing needed financial background information regarding credit applicants of post-paid Smith (Sally, 1990).
The CCVR stores reliable client data regarding physical residential address, job description, type of business or job, personal identity and any other useful information. The client on the other hand is given any required information that he needs. Most business organizations are bedeviled with the need for provision of post-paid services. This unending menace has haunted both corporate and business experts. However, CBS is an option has enabled these bodies to timely respond and conveniently meet business demands on behalf of them. Essentially, due to this ri...
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