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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Differentiate Media Planning and Creative Development

Essay Instructions:

Chapter 7 in Juska

1. After reading Chapter 7 in Juska, what are your key takeaways? How does media planning compare to creative development?
2. In your own words, what is communication planning? How does it connect to what you've learned about IMC so far? Briefly connect your response to your organization (pmCAN) and what you are planning for them.
3. Lastly, pose a question to your classmates that they can respond to based on the readings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:


1. After reading Chapter 7 in Juska, what are your key takeaways? How does media planning compare to creative development?  Media planning entails how marketers determine where, when, and how often they will run certain content for a particular purpose. On the other hand, creative development entails generating novel ideas or associations with the creative mind between the existing ideas or concepts. This is usually a combination of both new and old elements to enhance the effectiveness of the media. One of the essential takeaways between creative development and media planning is a need to have careful consideration to appeal to clients in the right location, timing, and competitive environments.

2.  In your own words, what is communication planni...

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