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Examining 1920s' Ads, Lucky Strikes, Chevrolet, Ivory Advertisement

Essay Instructions:

Please keep standard english level and the is no limit in sources so please put as much sources as you want.
Essay instruction:
Module 3 essay
to gain insight into a current issue in advertising as social communication;
to become competent in identifying, deconstructing and critiquing advertising codes, conventions and strategies;
to practice close, textual analysis in the context of larger social issues and past or contemporary cultural trends.
Basic Requirements (see also General Requirements below)
Draw upon class readings and lectures of Module 3
Analyze a small set of ads that are somehow related
Format according to APA style
Include a bibliography or works cited page
Papers will be assessed on their originality, creativity and organization as well as on the demonstrated mastery of basic writing and research skills including: development of a thesis and clear argument, effective use of research sources and relevant advertising examples, and ability to express ideas clearly. Your professor and TA are resources, so is the Student Learning Commons http://learningcommons(dot)sfu(dot)ca. Draw upon those resources early in the writing process.
Suggestions to guide your analysis:
You should choose your ads carefully; select ads that will allow you to make substantial and relevant arguments about past or recent trends in advertising and consumer culture.
For this longer paper, 3-4 ads is probably ideal but you might choose fewer or more depending on your topic and findings. More print ads, fewer TV ads is a good rule. Keep your analysis focused on your arguments. You will not be able to say everything there is to be said about 4 or 5 ads unless you focus on the most relevant issues and develop these into a thesis.
If you chose television advertising, you will need to access to multiple viewing; working from memory of an ad seen on TV will not be adequate.
This is to be a critical analysis; you will be required to provide a reading of the ads based on argument. Do not duplicate the rhetoric of the ads; I want to hear your voice, not the ads’. Emphasize analysis rather than description. In other words, in addition to briefly describing what is in the ad, analyze how and why things are significant.
Begin the process with your observations and from those develop specific, arguments and substantial conclusions. Spend very little space describing the ads. Please include originals or photocopies of any print ads you write about or provide links to television ads. If you encounter a problem with access or references.
Make claims as to the significance of the ads and the strategies they employ. You must go well beyond such observational and obvious statements as “sex sells,” “it is eye-catching,” “it grabs your attention” or “it is designed to sell product x” (in fact, avoid such simplistic, observational and clichéd phrases at all costs). If an ad breaks with convention or uses a particular strategy to stand out in the cluttered landscape of advertising, your task is not to simply identify such strategies but rather, like all the authors we have read, to make arguments about the significance of its particular strategies.
Use the methods and ideas from the course readings and lectures. Use only those methods and ideas that are relevant to the ads you will analyze.
Some Topic ideas
If you are interested in an historical approach you might want to discuss ads from the 1920s. You could discuss the emergence of the consumption ethic that Marchand describes. You should read more of his book and try to find a set of ads that are relevant.
Analyze examples of the ensemble.
How do early ads express a new set of values and establish the foundations of a new consumer culture?
What are the core values of the consumption ethic and how are they expressed in ads from the 1920s?
How are colour and style incorporated into goods and their advertisements?
Look at the way advertising draws heavily on subcultural elements to appropriate a sense of “cool.” Examples of this process abound as ads draw upon music, sports, the past, street cultures, and on and on. Using a bit of semiotics and paying close attention to the process of appropriation should result in an excellent paper.
What does advertising and consumer culture do with subcultural forms? How might they make them safe for consumption?
What happens to politics in the process of appropriation?
How are subcultural forms made to fit within the logic of commodities and the hegemony of consumer culture?
How might terms like domestication or colonization be used to understand this process?
Advertising is fundamentally about social representation. Ads do not reflect the world but re-present it within its own logic and strategies. Observe and then argue about how the social world is represented in advertising, its people, cultures, places, things. Gender, orientation, subcultures, cultural figures, age groups, activities, relationships, the past or the future… How is something represented? How and why is it significant?
How is authenticity used in advertising?
What forms does authenticity take?
How is it coded: what social, photographic, televisual codes are used?
How does an ad or ads differentiate "authentic" products from mass production?
How is the production process represented?
How does artisanal or craft values operate in the promotion of mass produced goods?
How does authenticity reinforce the ideology of consumer culture?
Find an example of a social or cultural space that is branded and discuss its implications with reference to Moor.

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Examining 1920s’ Ads
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Besides, women gained the voting right in 1920 because of the 19th amendment; they also began to play a more important role at workplace in the 1920s. Advertisers depicted women as more important in the consumer society compared to the average white male. In 1919, the World War I ended, and consequently the United States became a consumer society. Suraj, Ahmet, and Patricia (2002) explain that in 1920-29, America experienced an economic boom, and the national wealth doubled. Advertisers depicted that citizens had more money and were willing to use the money to buy commodities. While critics held their ideals to that of masculinity and considered sexual, smoking, and drinking experimentation as men’s roles, flappers gave new social roles to women. In this paper, the influence of ads depicted in the 1920s’, which majorly targeted women is examined, particularly analyzing tobacco advertisement, automobile ad, and soap advertisement.
Lucky Strikes tobacco 1920’s ad
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This ad, “Tobacco Lucky Strikes” was one of the most famous cigarettes advertising campaigns focused on women in 1920’s. Anderson, Glantz, and Ling (2005) highlight that the cigarette campaign convinced consumers that smoking would enable women to become thinner, more independent and self-confident, cooler, more sophisticated, and fashionable. The ad depicts the story of a woman in real style enjoying smoking, thus showing a liberated woman enjoying her feminine rights.
Long ago, the tobacco firms understood the significance of girls and women in the overall market for cigarettes and were seen as a prospective source for new consumers. These companies carried out extensive market research regarding the attitude of girls and women to better understand how to target their advertising and their products. According to Anderson, Glantz, and Ling (2005), tobacco companies focused on their research on how girls and women view themselves, social pressures facing them, and their aspirations; thus, these firms developed aggressive, sophisticated marketing campaigns in the history to influence and reach girls and women. The marketing targeting women can be traced back in the 1920s when tobacco companies targeted women in their advertising campaigns (Tadajewski and MacLaran, 2013). Before the end of the First World War, cigarette ads depicted women as non-smoking individuals admiring smoking of men; but by 1925, advertisement campaigns with women smoking started appearing in women’s magazines. During the 1920’s cigarette firms started targeting women directly using the sophistication, beauty, and fashion ideas which still continue at present. Tobacco companies also utilized images of women in the workplace and the military to promote consumption of cigarettes while valuing and praising feminine role.
Whereas these new advertisements highlighted the growing role of women in the American workplace, they also portrayed smoking as a feminine and stylish act. Such smoking theme was an approach to enable women to achieve independence whereas remained attractive and stylish particularly to men. It is nearly 100 years since the 1920s; cigarettes firms have been working hard to attract female consumers and often have been successful. In 2008, 21.1 million of women that is 18.3% smoked (Nicholas, 2015). Tobacco firms have developed their marketing campaigns to appeal and attract young women. The tricks of the cigarette ads have persisted and remained relevant regardless of changing beliefs regarding women’s rights and smoking over time.
Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan 1928 ad
This is another ad that Chevrolet motor company designed in 1928 targeting women drivers. The ad was made majorly on print media and women’s magazines targeting women who were regarded as a major influence of automobile buying (Hill, 2002). There are no men in the ad; rather, two women are depicted in the advertisement. The ad is balanced, and the car is fairly large and dark with a woman inside the car and another image showing a woman inside a car at the bottom. The ad shows that the company tried to attract fashion conscious women drivers with stylish new car models, lower prices, and color schemes.
The 1920s was a period when cases of discrimination against women were minimal. Chevrolet motor company depicted women’s autonomy in this advertisement. The company believed that its products have something elusive which women (who have been discriminated for long) can now get new products deserving them since they have been demanding that model for several years. The car (silhouette) depicted in the ad is of quality and low cost. Segal and Podoshen (2012) argue that the ad depicted the perfection and individuality of silhouette that women would expect to get at affordable prices of custom-built creations. It is evident that the marketing technique that Chevrolet used in the 1920s is still being used today due to product differentiation. The ad showed one of the most wonderful cars during the roaring twenties. This unveiled the possibility of unique advertisements and fancy backgrounds to outshine the competitors and attract buyers’ attention.
Suraj, Ahmet, and Patricia (2002) vie...
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