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1 pages/≈275 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Lessons Obtained from Reading Materials

Essay Instructions:

Respond to all the material in this week's Readings folder with

3 insights / things you learned

2 discussion questions you'd like the the class to address

1 thing you’re confused by / want to know more about

This material should not be longer than a page, if that. Bullet points are fine, though sloppy writing is not. More interested in seeing the depth of your engagement with the material than I am your ability to format documents.




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lessons Obtained from Reading Materials One thing I have learned is that journalists like creating stories of immense tragedy since they are pressured to publish faster, have amass following, and get more clicks. Ko Bragg categorizes such stories as poverty porn since they are not focused on a failed policy, saving the victims, or focusing on factors that led to the catastrophic situation (Bragg, 2021). Another crucial lesson obtained is that many journalists record the information from their sources, write stories, and publish them (Kent, 2020). These individuals do not care about their sources’ perspectives on what they report. On that note, they might publish stories that misrepresent the information, particularly if they misinterpreted the data gathered from their sources. The third vital thing I have learned is that some news organizations state that they do not use confidential sources (Online News Association, 2022). However, they get tips and relevant information from people who do not want their names mentioned and create stories from confidential sources.
Questions to be discussed in the Class
Why do you think journalists cover tragedies in detail instead of the failed system of governance or policies?
Should stories with anonymous sources be considered credible? What if...
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