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Leadership and Empowerment

Essay Instructions:

Give a discussion response to TWO peers posts
Remember that your discussion response must include the following:
When responding to your peers, be sure to connect on both personal and theoretical level by reacting to what was said, supporting your reactions with scholarly sources (e.g., your textbook), and identifying potential additional concepts or communication strategies to consider. End your responses with open-ended questions to extend conversations.
Referenced reading: Chapter 18
Post #1
Leadership is a very strong roll, and it comes with many responsibilities. For me in leadership there must be trust and communication. If there is no trust, then I will feel like I must stay on my guard to cover myself. There must be communication. We must assure things in the same perspective. We can`t assume that people know what we believe and how we feel (Esswein, 2017). This also help to build a work relationship. I remember working for a boss that I could not trust. He would try to blame me for things that were not getting done. Luckily, I had my emails to back me up and it showed that another co-worker was supposed to complete it. This boss played favoritism. He was giving me all his best friend son work so he could get credit for it. Leadership should not do favoritism. Everyone should be treated equally. Every leadership should have empowerment. One reason empowerment has been embraced lies in its ability to provide motivation (De Jansaz, 2019). Employees feel grateful and special when this is implied. This helps us to be more productive, build a good work relationship, and it shows appreciation for our work. When I finish college this year, I will be considered for a leadership role. This class has taught me a lot about leadership. Empowerment does come with boundaries. Learning new things and ways are part of empowerment. You will have to learn to separate your work relationship from your personal friend’s relationship. This is apart of change that you must make because if you do not then other co-workers may say favoritism.
Esswein, S., (August 8, 2017). Empowerment: It`s an Inside Out Process. TEDx Hilliard
De Janasz, S., Dowd, K., Schneider, B., (2019). Interpersonal Skills in Organizations (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. New York, NY.
Post #2
“Empowerment is the process in which a leader or manager share his or her power with subordinates” (de Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2019, p. 437). Starting from that definition to continue defining in my own words the meaning of empowerment, I could say the empowerment in organizations is a vital predictor of employee engagement. Managers methods of guiding employees to feel empower at work will lead to benefits such as, better job performance, job gratification and success.
Sharon Esswein stated in the video that “All external is a reflection of the internal” and she is right, many times we want to create a better version of us by showing the world what we think we are. But, the reality is that in order to grow we need to focus more in our own advises and not in what we want to pretend. She also mentioned how important is empowering us first and enjoy any task we initiate in other to lead others. In other words anything we want to share must come from our interior power, a power we must live and feel before being able to share it.
At work our manger daily encourage and motivate us as individuals and teamwork to do our job with love and dedication but, the trust is I never thought that she was empowering us until now. She is leading us to a better performance by finding pleasure in what we do, “Success or failure of an organization to a large extent depends on the characteristics of those responsible for those organizations” (Hogan, 2007). In the other side, organizations are cautious in allowing early empowerment to employees due to possible cases of job inexperience. A method use at my place of work is to train and educate employees before delegating new job responsibilities. The true is that empowerment has many future benefits for me. If I am in control of taking better decisions, generate creative ideas and expand my knowledge I will become that better version of me which I am looking for.
De Janasz, S.C., Dowd, K.O., Schneider, B.Z. (2019). Interpersonal Skills in Organizations. McGraw-Hill. New York, NY.

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Discussion Response on Leadership
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Discussion Response on Leadership
As a leader in an organization, one is bestowed with numerous responsibilities. Based on the post, trust and communication are critical leadership factors. Trust ensures that a leader is believed and emulated by other workers. Therefore, he or she can assign duties to other employees, and they will be fulfilled even when absent. When the leader is absent, other responsible employees can make decisions on their behalf. In this regard, proper communication fosters trust since employees at different levels can communicate their thoughts and feelings on work-related issues. According to Esswein (2017), we cannot assume the way people think and believe, making communication important within the organization hierarchy. Empowerment as a leadership concept should also be embraced as it motivates other employees to perform their duties. I fully agree with the post ...
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