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Language Barrier For Immigrants Essay

Essay Instructions:

Introduction to the topic \\\"Language Barriers\\\"

Explain Language barriers, give examples to my primary field of study \\\"Advertising\\\"

Use two theories (Expectancy Violations Theory + Politeness Theory and show that I understand the theory by giving examples.

Explain how each of the theories (Expectancy Violations Theory + Politeness Theory) emphasises different causes of the problem and hence different ways of improving communication.

Define strenghs and weaknesses > Providing the theory to the problem \\\"Language Barriers\\\".

Very Important: Use the theory to explain the problem (Language Barriers), not the other way around. Identify what causes each theory relate to the problem, maybe suggesting solutions to solve it. Conclusion...

Very important: Use 4 qualitative journal articles about Language Barriers, use these articles to give examples, and reference them.

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Language Barriers
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Most people have probable encountered a situation whereby, they are unable to communicate with other people. This happens especially if either of the individuals or parties trying to communicate is a new comer to a particular place or region. This inability to communicate effectively is commonly referred to as language barrier. Usually, people with no language in common are the most affected (Conflict Research Consortium, 1998). Overcoming language barriers is therefore part of the difficulties immigrants and many visitors have to face. On the corporate level, language barrier is responsible for information loss due little comprehension of presentations during meetings. As a result, investment in translations that are mostly very costly is often required. Nevertheless, the policy of assimilation is mostly encouraged for many immigrants as a way of overcoming language barriers.
Language Barriers in Relation to Advertising
Language barriers exist in the world of advertising primarily because of the fact that advertising entails the dissemination of information to a particular target this according to Douglas and Craig (2011). When one ventures into international advertising, they must accept the fact that information disseminated might be subject to language barrier as a major challenge. Some of the factors that characterize international advertising include; literacy level in different countries, and other cultural factors (Douglas and Craig, 2011). Because of globalization, existing cultural ties have been broken (Cebucommerce, 2011). As such, it is possible to use a standardized form of international advertising, which is easily understood by majority of the international community. As opposed to a neutral form of communication, advertisers always choose to advertise their products based on gender. Due to this, language barrier is usually heightened, especially in developing nations, where high levels of gender inequality exist.
Expectancy Violations Theory
The expectancy theory was advanced by Jurdeee Burgoon (Sagepub.com, 2011). According to Burgoon (1978), this theory views communication as the exchange of information rich in relational content, which is subject to violation from information, and which results in either a positive or negative perception, depending of the liking of either of the conversing parties. The basic interpretation of the expectancy theory is that; human beings being different from other species respond in certain specific ways when our expectations are violated (Burgoon, 1978). Very often, two conversing people will respond either negatively or positively when an unexpected action, be it a gesture or a comment from the other partner, receives a favorable interpretation. Expectancy violations normally result in distractions, which further result in the shifting of attention by the receiver, during conversation.
The Politeness Theory
The politeness theory of communication proposes that we as human beings maintain tow kinds of faces. When other people approve, like or respect us, we maintain a positive face. On the other hand, when seem to maintain a negative face, when we feel that other people cannot in any way, constrain us (Changing Minds.org, 2011). An example of the politeness theory is when people make requests of us. If at all the request is polite, then the positive face in us, is satisfied. But if otherwise, the negative face registers that the asker may constrain the receptor. In communication, politeness is mostly used to save the face of others. Just because a person is polite to the other, does not necessarily indicate that they have god intentions for them. Politeness is a vital component of pragmatics, as it provides the pedestal for the investigation of semi-complete messages which would otherwise have been ignored if not for the receptor being polite.
How the Expectancy Theory Emphasizes Different Causes of Language Barrier
Because communication only happens between two or more parties that understand one another, the expectancy theory has often been seen as a catalyst in learning foreign languages. Immigrants bring with them their cultural beliefs and practices into their foreign countries of choice. The fact that most of them are reluctant to learn the language of that particular county is effectively explained via the expectancy theory- Many of these immigrants receive the new language negatively probably because it was an expected act, which in turn results in little progress in terms of assimilation. In advertising, language barrier is influenced very much by the expectancy theory. People will respond well to an advertisement that seems to be unexpected because of the fact that the advertisement aroused in them some approval of the violations. This explains tat language barriers exist because little is done between the communicators, to effectively arouse appraisals for particular violations. Similarly, this explains why some adve...
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