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HLS 625 Written 3 Homeland Security

Essay Instructions:

Answer each of the following questions concisely but completely. What are the five W’s of secure networking? Provide your own evaluation of this model. What are some of the challenges and security concerns associated with wireless LAN technology?

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Secure Networking
Institution of Affiliation
The five W's of secure networking
The first thing is to understand why there is a need for secure networking. What is pushing for the establishing of the project on secure network? Once the associates are clear of why there is a need for secure networking, the next step is lining up the forces to face the secure networking battle (Rothman, 2008). Questions such as who has to pay for the project and who has to make the approval for the project are made at this level of Why.
It deals with who identifies the various players and actors for the solution. Are the personnel you want to engage interested? The group of personnel who are interested need to focus on what they want to attain for the project and what type of goals they want to achieve for the project. The right group for the project is chosen at this level. Questions such as, Are they ready to achieve what you want to achieve are asked at this level.
It deals with the identification of the data, functionalities, input, output, deliverables and the artifacts of the intended solution (Gallego, 2013). Questions such as what are the goals and objectives of the solution are engaged at this level. The outcomes need to be metrically highlighted and designed to suit the security network. At this level, all the effort is focused on making sure that the project is successful.
It deals with the scope of the project towards secure networking. It is a very critical stage in this project. If one aspect goes wrong at this level, then it means that the whole project shall go astray. At this level, budgeting for the project is identified to be a key part. Some of the questions in the level of secure networking are; is this an enterprise deployment? Is everyone on board with that potential scoping? Where is the backup? Where are the users?
It deals with various time-based events and activities to obtain the solution for the secure networking. It involves the organization of the events from which to begin and which to finish. The concept of the phases is applied at this level. Moreover, the project is divided into smaller chunks which can be budgeted for.
Challenges and security concerns associated with wireless LAN technology
Denial of service; in this type of insecurity, the attacker floods the network with valid or invalid messages which affect the availability of the network resources (Woodhams, Marg, & J., 2010). The lower bits of the WLAN network makes it vulnerable to the denial of service. The radio path can be destructed using a powerful transceiver disabling the WLAN radio path.
Spoofing and Session Hijacking; this is where the attacker can gain accessibility to a privileged data by use of credentials of an identified user (TechTarget, 2007). The reason for this is that 802.11 networks don't authenticate the source address. Attackers spoof Medium Access Control (MAC) and hijack the sessions. Moreover, 802.11 networks don't need an access point to prove its actuality. WLANs need proper authentication to eliminate spoofing.
Eavesdropping; this is the attack on confidential information which is being tran...
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