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Fundamental Assumptions about Intercultural Communication

Essay Instructions:

Please write an essay in response to the question below. Your essay should be between 4-to-6 double-spaced pages (page count excludes cover sheet and references page). Please observe the page limit.

Question: Please read/refer to the 5 Fundamental Assumptions of Intercultural Communication (pps. 24 to 27 in your textbook). Please discuss and explain the 5 Fundamental Assumption and under each assumption please provide your personal application of the meaning to each of these assumptions as they relate to your communication management style with others. Do use one example for each of the (5) assumptions to support/illustrate what you are saying.

This essay should reflect your thinking about the class content and readings provided up to week 5. Please support your arguments with appropriate citations from the class readings or other reseach to date. Please limit the material you reference to class materials (e.g., assigned readings, lecture notes/Powerpoints, etc.) or your own research.

An excellent essay will provide thoughtful insights and demonstrate a strong command of the class content and readings. Your essay also needs to be well organized and written. Please review the grading rubric below to see how you will be evaluated.

Essay Grading Rubric


Paper addresses the assigned question in thoughtful and insightful manner

6 points

Essay demonstrates a strong command of the class content and readings as evidenced through appropriate citations and own research

6 points

Organizations (solid introduction and conclusion, body text is organized topically/conceptually, paragraph structure is logical)

4 points

Written well (clarity, conciseness, grammar, spelling and punctuation)

3 points

Proper use of APA citations and references

1 point


20 points

the structure of the essay:



list the a

discuss why important

what the book said(support)

personal application

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fundamental Assumptions about Intercultural Communication
Institutional Affiliation
Fundamental Assumptions about Intercultural Communication
Intercultural communication refers to a form of communication that involves people from two different cultures (Nakayama & Halualani, 2012). Intercultural communication focuses on understanding how people from different cultures or countries act, communicate or perceive the world surrounding them (Scollon et al., 2012). Intercultural communication is, therefore, a vital part of communication because it creates an opportunity for people to learn new things from other cultures and know why people engage in some particular practices without disrespecting others (Neuliep, 2017). The paper will address some of the fundamental assumptions of intercultural communication.
The first assumption is that the message sent is not usually the message received (Neulieop, 2020). The assumption implies people bring along many thoughts, ideas, emotions, behaviors, and values about their culture when interacting with people from a different culture. According to Neuliep (2020), intercultural communication is a symbolic activity through which the ideas and the thoughts of a person from one culture are encoded into a nonverbal or verbal message before it gets to the recipient, whom the intern needs to decode the message, interpret it and respond to the message. However, it is essential to note that this process is affected by cultural noise. In the process, culture filters both verbal and nonverbal messages. As a result, all intercultural exchanges are usually charged with ethnocentrism, implying that a person's culture is to judge other peoples' culture (Chen, 2010). According to research, one of the negative impacts of ethnocentrism is that it influences a person's view of others. This makes a person judge other people's communication based on our standards. This is usually problematic because it makes one not see beyond their culture. As a result, people end up seeing little importance in understanding other people's cultures. However, as seen from the readings, ethnocentrism serves a valuable purpose when a person's culture is threatened or in some form of attack. I apply this implication because some people may not understand my message because they come from a different culture. For instance, if I meet a person from a different culture, I usually research their culture, which I believe may lead to prejudgment.
The second assumption is that intercultural communication is a nonverbal act between people of a different culture (Reimann, 2010)). According to Neulieop (2020), the expression of status and power among communicators is usually achieved nonverbally through paralinguistic cues, olfactics, oculesics, and haptics. An example of this expression is in Korea, where a person's hierarchical position is usually displayed through pitch and vocal tone. For instance, when a tutor offers a student a piece of paper, it is required that they receive it with both hands followed by a slight nod of the head while avoiding direct eye contact, which signifies the role of nonverbal signs of deference. I'm not too fond of lousy odor. I like smelling good, and this is the reason I have several varieties of perfumes. Unfortunately, some people may feel offended because their culture and beliefs do not like it. Living with a person who does not like perfumes would be very difficult.
The third assumption is a clash of communicator styles (Neulieop, 2020). While talk is highly valued and appreciated in the United States, it is also paramount to recognize instances when one should maintain silence. According to Neulieop (2020), the use and interpretation of silence vary from one culture...
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