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Fictional Family Analysis: Full House (FULL HOUSE TELEVISION SHOW)

Essay Instructions:
Please read attachment. Also the 14 sources must be from the two books in the document and 12 youtube shows of Full House. Do not plagiarize. Follow the instructions very carefully, and do ALL parts. Ficitonal_Analysis_Guidelines_and_Instructions.doc FICTIONAL FAMILY ANALYSIS TOPIC: FULL HOUSE TELEVISION SHOW 1. Analyze the t.v. show Full House to determine patterns in family relationships. 2. Your analysis should include the following: a. An analysis of the family as a system, using at least three concepts from your text. b. An analysis of the degree of adaptability and cohesion in the family system. c. An analysis of the meaning and rules in the family, using concepts from in your text and in Virginia Satir's The New Peoplemaking. d. An analysis of the conflict that appears in the family and productive or destructive ways that the family manages conflictual situations, using concepts in your text. 3. Your analysis should also include the following concepts: a. Intimacy (communication) and self-disclosure b. Family roles and communication c. Power, decision making 4. Use examples to illustrate your points. QUESTIONS TO FRAME YOUR DISCUSSION AND ALANYSIS For Psychological Consideration 1. Are there alliances within the family? How do these alliances affect family functioning? 2. How would you rate the communication patterns within this family? 3. What are the spoken or unspoken rules (conscious—unconscious) for each family? 4. How do these rules shape behavior or interactions between family members? 5. Discuss how personality differences play a part in family dynamics, or character conflict? 6. How do parental roles become refined by situation or by the progression of time? 7. Selective memory: how is it possible that 2 or 3 family members witness the same event, they will have completely different versions of that event? 8. How do characters, family members, remain resilient in the face of devastating events, or severe or acute trauma? 9. Why are some family members more resilient than others? 10. How does sibling position shape or influence behavior? 11. How does developmental stage affect behavior? 12. Why is sexuality often a vehicle whereby characters work out their loneliness? For Sociological Consideration 1. How does social structure, or societal expectation shape family? 2. How does culture define identity? 3. How does cultural difference necessitate conflict? 4. Americans value individualism and emphasize personal achievement, individual rights, and their own space. How do these values influence the structure of the American family? What are some of the negative results of these values? 5. How do grandparents fill the parental role in particular families? 6. Is it possible to pass on dysfunctional behavior patterns from one generation to another? 7. How do gender issues play out in certain families? 8. Who holds the most power in family-males, females? 9. How does this dynamic work itself out in subsequent relationships, outside of the family? 10. How do families relax together; how do they spend leisure time? For Philosophical /Theological /Existential Consideration 1. How does the family respond to tragic events, loss, accidents, injustices? 2. Is Forgiveness possible in families? How crucial is it? 3. How does faith /belief in higher truths, or the lack of, play a part in these families? 4. What is love? 5. Does tragedy serve to strengthen or weaken family? 6. What do families use as coping mechanisms?—this can be taken in different directions by each novel. 7. How does history shape a family's destiny? How do cultural beliefs, values and attitudes shape conflict or cohesiveness within a family? NOW, YOU HAVE TO WORK THROUGH SECTIONS 2-4 and follow the guidelines and instructions. You DO NOT have to answer each and every question in the consideration examples section “Questions to Frame Your Discussion and Analysis”; however, those will help you frame the discussion of this paper. *2 BOOKS YOU NEED TO USE: 1. Galvin, K.M., Bylund, C.L., & Brommel, B.J. (2012). Family communication: Cohesion and change (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. 2. Floyd, K., & Morman, M.T. (2013). Widening the family circle: New research on family communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. *NOTE: You can find the t.v. show on YouTube – Watch several clips (10-14) to use for your analysis, and cite them properly.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Full House is an unconventional family show involving Danny Tanner, who juggles raising his three daughters together with the help of his bother in law and friend. Being recently widowed Tanner goes through an emotional roller coaster in his attempt to be a good father to his daughters with little help from female figures in the children’s life. At the same time, the sitcom focuses on sibling relations, as well as the growth and development of the children. Even though, it is set in the mid 1980’s up to the mid 1990’s, it is still relevant as it addresses issues surrounding families and coming of age. The sit com aptly captures the notion that it is ‘full house,’ through the actions and reactions of the three adult male characters and the children in the same house.
The plot in Full House is a departure from the usual sitcoms that showed white working class American families and women at home. This occurred as more women entered the workplace; the 1980’ saw a shift on traditional roles of women in the family and workplace, as well as depiction of nuclear families as the ideal set up in America. Thus, the sitcom shows contrasting view on family relations among Tanner’s children their uncle and father’s friend (Franklin et al., 1987-1995). The growth in popularity in the show is an indication that they were shifting mindsets in mainstream America regarding social identities and family relations. The male figures in the TV show embrace new realities on the changing face of masculinity and patriarchy in America, and the children relate well with them.
The Full House, cohesion plays an important role in the Tanner’s homestead, as the six characters relate to each other. The entry of both Joey and Jesse does not seem to destabilize the Tanner family. Michelle the youngest of the tree daughters seems thrilled at Uncle Jesse’s antics who plays the guitar. On the other hand, Tanner appears less often in the children’s life as they grow up. Nonetheless, there is cohesion in the family which allows both Jesse and Joey to blend in the family. The two characters were initially supposed to stay for a shorter time, but they spend too mush time in the family life that they eventually clock eight eights together with the family. Even though, they intended to find solace in the family and escape homelessness, it is evident that through communication there is cohesion and the family is able to live harmoniously.
Meaning and rules in family
Satir’s work shows that the way families function is a reflection of their environment and past generations also have a profound effect on how families function. Additionally, families function like systems where there is a need to strike a balance, and destabilization of this balance is bound to bring problems to the family members. Destabilization could occur depending on how members apply rules, and harsh enforcement of rules and excessive restrictions might lead to dysfunctions in the family. In the Tanner family, the Tanner sisters do not experience restrictive rules, which then facilitate the process of meeting the individual needs. The sisters are inquisitive, and they do not show defensive behavior which affect families that are not balanced because of their tendency to apply restrictive rules.
However, the roles in the family are not clearly defined because there is lack of a mother figure, and this may destabilize the family. At the same time, the father is less active in the children’s life. Even though, the family is unconventional, it is still set up in hierarchical nature where the father, Jesse and Joey have power in the homestead. Thus, power imbalance changes the minute, both Uncle Jesses and Joey begin to take a more active role in the children’s life. In other words, this confirms Satir’s assertions that even the dominant force must conform at some point in time when they need to accommodate changes in their life.
Conflict and how they manage it-
Family communication is a pertinent issue in conflict resolution in families, and in Full House this takes place through family discussions. The conflicts that affect the family are typical of many modern family set ups. Nonetheless, the conflicts center on sibling relations and how they relate with their father while growing up. The types of relationships in the family determine the type of family systems (Floyd & Marman, 2013).The co...
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