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'District 9', Movie Synopsis

Essay Instructions:

Film review of the film "District 9"

1. What culture does the story depict

2. what are the major events of the story? Provide a brief synopsis of the story

3. what does the movie indicate about the cultural patterns of this culture?

4. how do the cultural patterns affect interpersonal communication?

5. Are there any special features to the verbal codes used by the characters?

6. what clues and descriptions are presented in the story that describe appropriate nonverbal communication in the culture?

7. are there any distinct social episodes that seem to be governed by specific cultural rules?

8. What differences do you notice between the interpersonal communication portrayed in this piece of fiction and what you might find in a similar setting in your culture? (U.S.)

9. Setting, plot, would this have happened in the U.S.

10. Movement and development of charachter

11 films craft and significance, a. point of view b. mood or tone, c. sound

12. meaning and significance

13 External placement and significance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intercultural Film Review “District 9”
Intercultural Film Review “District 9”
The science fiction film District 9 depicts the culture in South Africa. The movie by Blomkamp is set during the period of the apartheid system that was marked by racial segregation. In the year 1982, a ship full of scared and malnourished aliens appeared in Johannesburg city in South Africa. The aliens are given the name Prawns by the humans. The humans set up refugee camps from which food and other resources from united relief organizations are given to the alien race. After a few years the refugee camp turned out to be a slum called District 9 that was under the military. District 9 then became a dangerous place after the discovery of weapons. Later it results into riots in South Africa as people demand for aliens to leave. In response, the lives and properties of the South Africans are destroyed. Eventually a contract was given to the Multi-National United, a munitions corporation, to evict the alien race by use of force. The eviction process was done under the leadership of one Wikus van der Merwe. Wikus ends up relying on the help of his two alien friends to reverse the effects of a strange chemical which he accidentally was exposed to in the course of the operation.
In relation to cultural patterns, the movie reveals a culture with a language of its own. As seen from the various conversations the local Afrikaner language is commonly used usually with a mixture of English. Moreover, when speaking one cannot help but notice the heavy accent usually associated with South Africa. After staying with the aliens for long the people also learn their language to ease communication. They are also open in their communication. Rarely is any character afraid to speak their minds including swearing using local references. Interpersonal communication is affected in that one group has to learn the language of the other to make communication possible.
On language, communication between the aliens and humans was possible as some people were able to understand their language. This was supported by the fact that after the arrival of aliens many years ago, they were accepted in the human community. Therefore, by spending time together their language was learnt through interactions. One special feature about the language of the prawns is the language`s use of clicking sounds. Since the language was almost similar to that spoken by the Nigerians in district 9, the aliens mostly communicated with this group of people. Therefore, in the end it was possible to understand each other by use of verbal communication. However, communication was not only done verbally but also through non-verbal means. For instance, it is easy to note the very expressive nature of the aliens. In most instances, hand and eyes gestures accompanied the verbal communication. By just using these gestures, it became easier for one to decipher the meaning even when they do not actually understand the language.
Apart from language, cultural rules govern the social episodes in District 9. The local-ness of the movie therefore, is one fact that`s easily noticed. One case where this is evident was after the appearance of the alien ship. Culturally South Africans are very hospitable, with the ability to show kindness to strangers and anyone else. This cultural rule came into play during this time when they warmly welcomed the scared and malnourished aliens into their land. Despite not knowing much about these strange creatures, their hospitable nature could not allow them to dismi...
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