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Effectiveness of Twitter's Organizational Rhetoric

Essay Instructions:

Based on the files ("Case #1 and Case #2") I provided, construct this essay paper. Also, follow the case analysis #3 instruction. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you

Overview: The final project is a 6 - 8 page paper which will pull together all facets of organizational analysis that we have learned this semester:  

Choice of an organization, selection of appropriate artifacts, internal/textual analysis of the discourse, research of the context in which the rhetoric appeared, application of theories that help to explain the organizational advocacy; formation of a thesis, and an evaluation of the rhetorical situation and the rhetoric/advocacy that it produced. 

Goal of Paper: to evaluate the effectiveness, quality, and/or ethicality of one or more examples of organizational rhetoric.   

Choices: You have some choice in the direction you take and procedure you use: 

First, you may select a single piece of organizational rhetoric related to your case if you think it best represents the rhetorical situation facing the organization OR multiple pieces of rhetoric from one or more organizations about the same rhetorical situation.  

Second, you choose what theoretical perspective(s) best explain(s) what is happening in your rhetoric. Look for a “theoretical home” for your rhetorical situation, that is, the theory with which most of the facts of this organizational situation appear to align. Don’t be dismayed if you find strains of many different theories throughout your situation that seem helpful in explaining the discourse. For example, maybe you decide to apply legitimation theories. You apply the parts of those theories that best fit your text, and as you do you notice strains of identification by antithesis or image repair’s defeasibility. Feel free to employ several theoretical constructs if they are useful in supporting your argument; they will only enrich your critique. Just be sure they are all clearly explained and their authors cited in your references. Seeing several connections can be the sign of an excellent critic. It tells me that you have a large critical repertoire and can move among the concepts with ease and dexterity.    

Overall, here are the basic steps that lead into this final paper: 

  1. Choose an organization and rich sample(s) of rhetoric that is/are relevant to it 
  2. Identify the persuasive strategies present in the text (case #1) 
  3. Research the context of the situation (case #2) 
  4. Assess your critical repertoire to see if a theoretical perspective presents itself. You are not confined to theories we had time to cover in class. Any communication theory or even one from another field, can be acceptable as long as you persuade us how it is relevant, helpful, and acceptable for evaluating the ethicality and/or effectiveness of the rhetoric in this situation.  
  5. Decide if you are going to conduct a critical or evaluative reading/analysis 
  6. Formulate an argument evaluating/critiquing what is happening in the situation (this is your thesis), and be able to explain (prove) it.  
  7. Write the paper persuasively.  


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Analysis 3
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Case Analysis 3
Interestingly, although data security breaches occur online, they mainly stem from human errors and vulnerabilities. In mid-2020, Twitter experienced a security breach where several user accounts were hacked and subsequently used to defraud the public. Following the incident, Twitter posted a message on its webpage, giving the public details of the in. This paper explores the effectiveness of Twitter's rhetoric following the hack. The paper uses an evaluative analysis and establishes that Twitter's rhetoric was fairly effective in doing what it was meant to do.
The facts of Twitter’s situation appear to align with the framing theory, image repair theory, and identification by antithesis. The framing theory is based on the premise that audiences' perception and understanding of the situation are based on how the situation is framed or explained (Sellnow & Seeger, 2021). Framing theory can be utilized by news outlets or by organizations. According to Sellnow and Seeger (2021), organizations utilize the framing theory for publicity and try to frame their response to a crisis in a way that is favorable to them. They do so by focusing the audience's attention on certain elements of the situation while eliminating others, especially those unfavorable to the organization. In Twitter's case, the crisis was framed in a way that was favorable to the company. For instance, the company reported that only the inbox of one elected official was accessed (Twitter, 2020). It failed to report that other accounts of a former US president and an aspiring US president have been hacked (Thompson & Barrett, 2020; Fung, 2020). Yet, news outlets reported this information and, by doing so, magnified the situation and directly influenced audiences' perceptions. Sellnow and Seeger (2021) reveal that in framing theory, news outlets can either accept the organization’s response or reframe it. When they reframe the response, the impact on the audience is different.
The image repair theory is based on the premise that image is vital to organizations. In response to a threat to the organizational image, companies respond using defensive or image repair messages (Arendt et al., 2017). Image repair strategies are many. Two strategies that align with Twitter's situation are corrective action and mortification. In corrective action, the organization tries to fix the issue, while in mortification, it takes accountability for the issue and apologizes to the audience (Arendt et al., 2017). Twitter’s corrective action can be seen in the text, described as “our actions” and “our next steps.” Twitter's attempt to resolve the issue involved moving fast to "…regain control of the compromised accounts" followed by "further securing our systems to prevent future attacks (Twitter, 2020)." It applied the mortification strategy by apologizing to its customers. "We're embarrassed, we're disappointed, and more than anything, we're sorry (Twitter, 2020).” The organization must select the most appropriate image repair strategy for the target audience in image repair theory.
Identification by antithesis occurs when the organization demonstrates a shared enemy for both the company and the audience, creating a sense of belonging (Hoffman & Ford, 2010). In the text, Twitter identifies the hackers as a common enemy by convincing the audience that the hackers exploited human vulnerabilities. It indicates that the security breach was a result of a "…concerted attempt to mislead certain employees and exploit human vulnerabilities (Twitter, 2020).” By positioning its employees as human beings prone to social engineering, just like any other human, Twitter convinces the audience that what happened could happen to anyone, including the audience.
The artifact to be analyzed in this case analysis is a text on Twitter's webpage and, specifically, Twitter's company blog. This artifact was presented on Twitter's official website to address a crisis involving a security breach of several Twitter accounts. The overall goal of the text is to inform the audience about the security breach and what the company is doing to resolve the issues and to ensure a similar breach does not occur in the future.
Twitter’s rhetoric situation can be described through exigencies, audiences, constraints, and actual impact. In terms of exigencies, it can be described as both unanticipated and potentially harmful because it was both unexpected and potentially damaging to the company (Hoffman & Ford, 2010). Twitter had not predicted hackers could manipulate employees to access users' accounts (Twitter, 2020). Also, the security breach threatened Twitter’s reputation because it compromised the accounts of high-profile Twitter users (Holmes, 2020). In terms of audiences, the most relevant audience for Twitter's rhetoric were functional and diffused audiences. Both these audiences had a negative attitude toward Twitter due to the hack. The goal of the rhetoric was to change this negative attitude among the audience by assuring them that the situation was being addressed accordingly.
Regarding constraints, Twitter’s success in addressing the exigencies will be influenced by reputation and legal constraints. In the past, Twitter’s security has been compromised by hackers (Chowdhury, 2020), causing reputational constraints. In addition, the security breach caused legal constraints since Twitter could not provide more details about the hack due to an ongoing law enforcement investigation into the breach (Twitter, 2020). Finally, Twitter suffered financially due to the hack in terms of market value loss (Holmes, 2020) and potential fines (Perez, 2020). This indicates that the rhetorical situation had far-reaching consequences for the company.
The case analysis will utilize the evaluative approach to explain what is happening in Twitter’s rhetorical situation. The evaluative approach is mo...
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